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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



Many years ago, several entities and individuals have been looking for a way to duly Improve the workings and the medium at which things are been made in the music industry. But unfortunately, their efforts was nothing but of little effects because there were no platform to execute their various plans and magnificent ideas. However, the adventure of the blockchain-technology have been seen to be that best platform anyone can use to Improve any organization or sector. In lieu of that,muzika is here to utilize the effectiveness and the efficacy of the ledger commission so as to Improve and tackle the challenges occuring in the music world.

Muzika is the perfect blockchain tech setup with the aim to Improve and enhance the effectiveness of the music industry. The existing ventures using the digital space have been reported to have ignore the userbase potential which inturn leads to the reason for their unfortunate. The most of the current artists we have in the music world are know to prefer the use of localized platforms than the use of the ledger ventures which offers a 90 percent profits compare to the 10 profit that they earn in the localized systems, a perfect example is the iTunes base. Now, after the dectection of this problem of attraction,muzika is here with the aim to provide the artists a better userbase that will skyrocket the rate of their traffic and the higher commission they get compare to other existing ventures.Muzika has also thrive to develop the a great operational system so that the fans will be duly rewaded for their various activities they all contribute within the venture.

The act of rewarding the pool of members will definitely bring an increase that cannot be compared to the other existing ventures userbases. Through the increase in the memberbases, this adventure will make sure that the musicians gets high rewards (ie higher commission rate compared to other existing organizations). They will also get a high userbase audience then they would ever imagine. And also, this venture will make sure that the memberbase have access to the localized streaming sites that are popular and of their choices.

The use of smart agreement contract will give way for the digital musics to be accessed by the members i.e that fans. With this, there will be a fair and more transparent sharing of Information between the musicians and their respective lovers.
The artists lovers will also be awarded with points that are mostly refers to as the loyalty.points for that various activities within the eco-system ofmuzika. By acquiring points, the members have the opportunity to constantly convert them to mzk coins. The exchanges will take place within the venture. The lovers or that fans will also be empowered to sponsor artists the way they want depending on their love for the artists.

Total number of tokens % for sale
1,000,000,000 20.5 %

Total number of tokens for sale Hard-cap
205,000,000 20,000 ETH


A round of applause for the great team behind this great invention. It is a sure fact that the system will thrive especially in the music that have limitations in which this adventure can only solve through the goodness of thier features and potentials.


Website: https://www.muzika.network/

Whitepaper: https://www.muzika.network/assets/mzk-whitepaper-en.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/muzika_official

Telegram: https://t.me/muzika_english

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/muzikanews/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/muzikaofficial/

Github: https://github.com/MuzikaFoundation

Medium: https://medium.com/muzika-official

Bitcointalk username: Inosend

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2439441;sa=summary

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