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Crowdfunding has been a blasting area for a long time. In 2018, reserves raised by crowdfunding came to $ 9.3 billion. As per a few projections, the assets brought up in 2022 will be over $ 25 billion.

France isn't a special case to this solid development. Since 2013, reserves raised through crowdfunding have increased by 11, ascending from 36 million euros in 2013 to 402 million out of 2018. Another noteworthy figure in this development concerns the quantity of ventures financed, which has expanded from 24,126 tasks in 2017 to 33,381 out of 2018 (+ 38%).

Oculus Rift, pioneer of computer generated reality, who raised $ 2.5 million from 9500 supporters previously being purchased a couple of years after the fact by Facebook for $ 2 billion.

Stone Smartwatch, the harbinger of the savvy business that raised more than $ 33 million and was in the long run purchased by Fitbit.

Nonetheless, there are numerous issues in the crowdfunding division which influences its absolute improvement:

An absence of certainty of the Backers: The present stages doesn't ensure the sponsor in any capacity and doesn't compel the ventures to regard any dedication. This damages the trust of supporters towards crowdfunding. As per an investigation by a teacher at the University of Wharton, 85% of crowdfunded ventures (on the Kickstarter stage) are deferred and 14% never convey anything. Therefore, more than $ 500 million went up in fizzled ventures and not exactly 33% of Kickstarters supporters took an interest in a second battle.

Unified frameworks: the current brought together frameworks force various confinements that keep a genuine sending of crowdfunding on a worldwide scale. In the event that we take the case of Kickstarter, the stage requires venture makers to have a ledger and a Mastercard; while 38% of grown-ups on the planet remain rejected from the money related framework and 63% of Millennials haven't Mastercard. What's more, Kickstarter has chosen to bar from its stage various lawful undertakings, for example, caffeinated drinks.

In this unique circumstance, Pledgecamp chose to dispatch its decentralized crowdfunding stage, Blockchain based. The point is to tackle the present issues of the part while enabling the Crowdfunding to at long last move toward becoming "worldwide".

  1. A decentralized arrangement

Pledgecamp is a crowdfunding stage dependent on the Blockchain which means to bring trust, straightforwardness and some type of obligation to the crowdfunding division.

Expanding on Blockchain innovation, Pledgecamp needs to offer a totally decentralized and shared arrangement that enables supporters of help an undertaking with the certainty that makers will satisfy their responsibilities.

  1. The battle store

Among Pledgecamp's numerous inventive administrations, two of them speak to a genuine development in acquiring more noteworthy straightforwardness for ventures raising assets and expanding patrons' trust in the framework. These are the Backer protection and the instrument of the battle store.

Crusade store: Any making of a battle on the stage starts with a store from the makers. This store is viewed as like an insurance against spam and intends to energize the makers of the battle to more prominent straightforwardness. This store is completely refundable if the maker is adequately transprent through a lot of activities, for example, the arrangement of business enrollment records, licensed innovation enlistments, individual references or even Q/A sessions in live video.

3.Market system and Knowledge focus

The Pledgecamp biological community additionally offers two different administrations:

Market Network: This is a decentralized administration showcase that enables makers to employ experts to take a shot at their activities. Undertaking makers approach all the provider history (survey, history, … ) that is put away on the Blockchain. The agreement between the two gatherings is represented by a brilliant contract which offers total straightforwardness and sureness for the provider to be paid once the assets have been raised. Furthermore, potential supporters will likewise approach this data which can build their dimension of trust in the undertaking.

Learning Center: as of now, no market player offers a gathering or information base about crowdfunding. Pledgecamp proposes to address this need through a gathering of inquiries/answers and an information base. The majority of this data will be populated by the network (venture makers, givers or specialist co-ops).

  1. Incredible group and Advisor

The center group of Pledgecamp comprises of eight individuals. The majority of them are crowdfunding specialists or have solid mastery in innovation and Blockchain. A few individuals from the group have taken part in numerous crowdfunding efforts on Kickstarter and have gathered a great many dollars.

Jae Choi (CEO) is a sequential business person who learned at Berkeley and Stanford. A previous financier and IT expert, he has brought a huge number of dollars up in funding and government gifts. He is a functioning speculator in the Blockchain part and is likewise counsel of numerous activities.

Eddie Lee (president) is a specialist in crowdfunding. He has gathered a large number of dollars on Kickstarter and helped different tasks to do likewise. He is additionally one of the guides of SkyDeck, Berkeley's startup quickening agent.

Sam Pullman (CTO) is a full-stack designer who has just been CTO of numerous ventures. In his profession, he has built up various versatile applications just as firmware. On the undertaking, he built up the PLG keen contract and the business stage. He is likewise a Blockchain master and cash excavator.

The group likewise incorporates three engineers (one had some expertise in frontend, one in Blockchain and another in the improvement of brilliant get), a UX/UI architect and a head of Operations.

On the counsels' side, there are Randi Zuckerberg, the sister of Facebook's manager and the organizer of Zuckerberg Media, Matt Currcio, Ripple's VP of Data, Jinen Kamdar, VP of Buzzfeed and an originator of TechCrunch and an individual from the regal group of Saudi Arabia.

Token sale
Main ICO: 18 February 2019
Hardcap: $20.000.000
Softcap: $5.000.000
Token price: $0.01
Total Tokens: PLG (300.000.000 PLG for public sale)
Minimum Contribution: 50$

Some links about the project
Website: https://pledgecamp.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/pledgecamp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pledgecamp
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pledgecamp
Bounty Thread : https://beta.bounty0x.io/bounties/1122081
| Bounty0x username:Glorycryptto1

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