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5 лет назад

2local Project - Pioneering A sustainable And Prosperous Business 

The disruption of blockchain technology is touching every aspect of life and as such, the emerging technology has seen lot of adoption and the rate is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years as we will see blockchain's implementation in virtually everything we come across. Every blockchain-based project emerges with the aim to provide a real-world solution to problems affecting the community. Due to that, World economies, companies and start-ups projects are now actively using blockchain and it's underlying technologies in creating useful innovations that will bring about a sustainable world in making the lives of everyone more comfortable.

This write-up will introduce a Blockchain project (2LOCAL PLATFORM) focussed on creating innovations that will encourage commerce inorder to bring about a sustainable world where local businesses thrive with prosperity. 2local will be contributing greatly to the growth of a better world just like every organizations out there trying to contribute their little quota to see to the achievement of UN's Sustainable Goals Development. Implementation of 2local Usecases will open door for development of thriving communities where there's an effective economy to benefit everyone.

With thriving commerce being the heart and base of a sustainable world , 2local platform will empower local businesses by using blockchain's architecture to create a worldwide network of consumers and companies that buy and produce local goods. 2local platform will encourage the massive patronage of local and sustainable products with the help of a unique cashback and loyalty system to reward consumers to make them focus on purchasing locally produced product.

2local emerges as a multidimensional blockchain 2.0 based platform, which aims to develop a smart marketplace that will connect consumers with all the neighboring companies that produce sustainable goods and services through the use of filter provided within the market inorder to encourage the support of a sustainable local trade. To become participant of the 2local platform, the company has to produce its goods from local raw materials, since 2local platform is focused on the growth of local-2-local sustainability.

Core Values Of 2local Project

1. Blockchain technology

Leveraging the potentials of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, 2local designed a cashback system aims at increasing global prosperity of local trade through rewarding consumers who purchase sustainable products locally. Through 2local smart marketplace, it has a created a unique loyalty platform with a cashback functionality powered by cryptocurrency.

2. Sustainability

Local grassroots are the best suited location to start the development of a sustainable world, 2local platform understands this fact and focus it's distruption on developing local-2-local smart marketplace to connect lacal consumers to companies that produce sustainably. Focusing on local sector helps reconsidering social and ecological values, and develop relationships that reward quality and fairness of a better world.

3. Prosperity

With blockchain offering lot of innovative infrastructurea, The 2local platform will capitalize those potentials to create its own blockchain with a unique cryptocurrency called L2L as the native coin. 2local blockchain is low energy consuming, ultrafast and has a highly secured consensus mechanism.

Take A Step With 2local Project

The 2local native cryptocurrency token called l2l coin which forms the initial and asset of the project is currently on sale on one of the most prominent exchangers launchpad in cryptocurrency universe - P2pB2b.

L2l tokens has great potentials to rise in value over time as every activity of the entire platform is being linked to it. The coin will be the primary token that'll be use for 2local's proposed loyalty and cashback rewards. It is worth mentioning that the token is created in such a way of maintaining a stable and yet increasing value.


All 2local's effort is committed to building innovation sustainability for businesses that care for the environment and the climate, fair work and economic growth. 2local wants to contribute to a new global partnership that will be necessary in order to achieve the UN objectives.

The platform has made neccessary partnerships with many companies across many field that will provide the necessary support to bring the full implementation of 2local's project usecases coupled with the vast experience of the team, i say 2local has all the needed resources to pull things off real quick in contributing to the development of a sustainable world.

Website: https://2local.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/2local1
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/2local-2297961593816000
Telegram : https://t.me/Group_2local
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/19002320/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/2local
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2local_1/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAtpMQjkt1d72X8Tv8D8bsQ



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