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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Some more photos from my business trip to Vladivostok

I flew to Vladivostok on a business forum for young entrepreneurs and a beauty contest. It so happened that both events took place in one place. I'm currently preparing a video review of my trip. But while presented with a few more photos of me and colleagues.

The Oceanarium in Vladivostok

Hello, little stingray! This photo in the original is all blue. I worked with her for about an hour to give a little beauty.

Federal University

These photos was taken at the Federal University in Vladivostok. Just there we lived. There were all the events

In the next publication I will tell you how I went to another city in Russia to give a lecture on the topic of media communications
Some information for your convenience:

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На Golos с November 2017
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