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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Flower colors.

Spring sounds the awakening of a lethargic nature, asleep by the cold and the gray of a winter always too long.
Here and there a few touches of color come to punctuate the ground, shyly at first, it is by the bright white of the first snowdrops that the new season is announced.
It will follow a ballet of colors that it is always good to see again, and with this new momentum of life, the irresistible desire for the nature photographer to go take a breath of air the nose a few centimeters from the ground in the intoxicating smells of spring.

The floral world is vast and varied, an inexhaustible source of inspiration because of its diversity of form and color. From the smallest flower lining the ground and so common to the rarest orchids, all have to offer hours of relaxation and a thousand visions to highlight them.

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На Golos с June 2017
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