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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


If you are curious, then you may have wondered what was the origin of the colors of the flowers? Before trying to understand how the colors of flowers are formed, a little reminder is needed to help us to see more clearly. A flower is broken down into several parts of which the main ones are: The petals, all the petals constitute the corolla / The pistil / The sepals / Stamen / The ovary which will allow the transport of the reproductive egg

If you learned your lesson well, you could see that the flower is neither more nor less than the reproductive organ of the plant. These are the flowers that make possible pollination by insects and therefore the reproduction of the plant. So if flowers produce colors and fragrance, it is to be noticed! Even if we succumb easily to the charm of the flowers, the latter seek above all the attention of our friends pollinating insects. By going to load in nectar, the insects will harvest, without the will, the pollen on the cheesecloth, which it will deposit on the pistil of another flower, the female organ.

The plant is composed of several pigments depending on the final colors it will present. The best known is chlorophyll. He will give the plants their green color. But not only that! Chlorophyll is involved in the process of photosynthesis that allows the plant to absorb light. This is the least absorbed wavelength and it is therefore the green color that will be perceived by our eye.

As for the other colors, it will be necessary to turn to different pigments like the carotenoid of orange and yellow color spread out in many living organisms. Flowers of course, but also some vegetables like carrots for example. As well as flavonoids, other pigments covering a wide color range from red to ultraviolet. The given color depends in particular on the pH. Finally we can also name betalaine, especially contained in beet but also in bougainvillea or some cactus such as the Barbary fig. It offers a spectrum of colors ranging from dark yellow to purple.

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