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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Mossland! Is the best marketing solution for your business!

At first, every aspiring businessman faces a number of difficulties and problems. As long as its products and services are not known to suppliers and prospective customers, it will be treated with certain distrust.

It is very important that advertising works in two directions simultaneously: on the one hand, it emphasizes the most important strengths and advantages of your company, and on the other – it focuses public attention directly on the quality of your products or services.

Since one of the main distinctive features of small business is a very modest budget, designed for different purposes, it is necessary to choose such advertising tools that are both: simple; affordable; effective. Consider what is in the small business used most frequently. To make a statement about yourself and your company, you can try several methods, and then compare them and draw the appropriate conclusions.

These include: telephone marketing; distribution of leaflets; printed ads; asphalt inscriptions; creating your own website; writing press releases. However, no matter what type of advertising, you can always highlight its key features that determine the effectiveness. It's no secret that the main function of advertising is to influence the subconscious of potential customers, encouraging and motivating them to take advantage of the advertising offer.

Based on this, it is possible to identify those components of the promotional offer that best have a psychological impact on people. These components are determined by numerous studies and analysis of the effectiveness of advertising, so it can serve as a starting point for the development of advertising proposals in any form, whether graphic, text or media advertising.

And all these nuances can take into account such an interesting project as Mossland, which not only holds people's attention, turning them further into buyers, but also helps them to earn playing in virtual reality.
The idea of the project is to create and develop a mobile game of the same name, where you can add elements of virtual reality to buildings, structures and use property, thereby attracting interest from other players to these points. Once you awaken much attention a certain number of people you can place your ads and thus they can from the ordinary viewers to turn into potential buyers or repeat customers.

After all, all in the heart of children and love the game, something fantastic and unusual, here you can implement these and add to absolutely any object, but before you need to capture it to use in the game. Its value increases with the increase in the number of players who are also registered nearby.
These virtual territories can be sold to other people cryptocurrencies of this mobile application, so everyone will try to decorate more attractive. Everyone will be able to add the addition of virtual reality and it will become very interesting and keeps the attention of users.

There are no analogues of this idea yet and it will be a revolution in the world of marketing for business development, increasing sales and customer base. There is the possibility of selling on the auctions for currency Coin Moss, in the future it will go to the exchange and you can exchange them and get digital money.
The main action to participate in the game is a simple registration near the property, for it you get gold or awards that can be used to improve objects or purchase. And the more registrations will be near your location, the more it becomes the price and so they can get an additional reward you give tasks, for example, how to just visit your building, buy something there, view advertising.

For the globalization and development of this mobile application, the team is now conducting ICO, a total of 500 000 000 tokens are issued. You can take an active part as an investor or if you have your own business use this platform to attract new customers.

More information you can find on these links:

Website: https://moss.land/

Whitepapper: https://moss.land/#whitepaper

Join bountyhive: https://bountyhive.io/join/Mossland

Bountyhive username: Aivaryamal 

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