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5 лет назад

Sessia project overview. Advantages of the project for users

Official site

Sessia is created with the aim of providing a social network in which buyers can find profitable offers for themselves, and entrepreneurs to attract new customers. As you know, we live in the era of capitalism, and it lasts for quite some time. Shops and various businesses today there are a huge number, and each of them need their customers. In modern business, the problem of attracting customers is very serious, for the buyers there is a real struggle. And most often, entrepreneurs hire third-party specialists or entire marketing agencies for this purpose, which promise them to attract a large flow of customers, taking the corresponding, rather considerable amount of money. And alas, not every young businessman can afford to hire such a specialist, and not even make the wrong choice. This is the problem that the Sessia project team is going to solve. They will create an environment in which buyers and sellers will find each other without intermediaries.

Advantages of the project for users:

A businessman who owns a store or provides certain services is registered in the Sessia system,
Places there his offers and information about the cashback, which he is ready to give to buyers, if they choose his company. In this way, customers will be able to monitor and search for stores with the most profitable goods and services for them. In addition, the clients themselves will share information about their purchases and receive additional remuneration for it if their friends buy goods and services on their recommendation. The structure of the social network will serve as an excellent marketing tool. This kind of digitized word of mouth on the blockchain, in which customers receive rewards for their purchases and for recommending certain goods and services. At the same time, entrepreneurs receive a large flow of customers by paying them only a small percentage of the cashback, which is incompatible with the services of marketing agencies. Sessia will work on the blockchain, so a crypto currency token called KICKs will be used in this ecosystem. It is there that all rewards to customers for purchases and recommendations will be paid. The token itself can be spent on paying for goods and services inside the platform. At the moment, the project is at the development stage, it has already finished the pre-sale stage and very soon IEO will be held.


Personally, I think that the project has a great future, the team looks quite strong and the idea itself is very promising - unlike many other blockchain startups that create highly specialized tokens and platforms, Sessia can be useful to everyone, because we all make purchases daily and it is an integral part of our lives.

The uniqueness of the article here - 100 %

More information can be found here:

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