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5 лет назад

Ubecoin project overview. Advantages of the project for users

Official site

Ubecoin is a crypto currency token created on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain system and has an ERC - 20 standard, which allows it to be stored on any user-friendly wallets, such as MEW, Meta Mask or Jaxx. At the same time, it can also be freely transferred to any users, paying for it only the standard price for gas at the rate of Ether. At the same time inside the platform, for Ubecoin users, a tariff with zero commission will be applied. Nowadays, there are quite a few platforms where B2B and P2P trading models are implemented, but all of these platforms are centralized, all accounts and turnover are tightly controlled by the owners and administrators of the platforms. At the same time there are quite a lot of different fees - commissions, advertising fees, non-trade fees, etc. - this significantly reduces the profits of people taking part in the trade.

Advantages of the project for users:

To solve existing problems and revitalize the trade market, Ubecoin decided to create their own trading platform - Free Trade Barter. On this platform, it will be possible to register as an individual or entrepreneur and freely place on the sale any goods that buyers can pay with Ubecoin tokens. At the same time, as I mentioned above, the commission for all trading operations will not be charged, in favor of Free Trade Barter will be only a small advertising fee, which will be charged only once a year, which is much more profitable than the current schemes. In addition, there will be no hidden fees. In addition, the decentralized structure of the platform and the use of blockchain technology will be able to provide a high degree of data security, as well as provide users with the maximum possible control over their accounts, and you will not be afraid of unauthorized locks and confiscation of honestly earned money.

The uniqueness of the article here - 100 %

More information can be found here:

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