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5 лет назад

Washington Eyeing Crypto Regulation, What It Means With Changelly’s Eric Benz

Washington Eyeing Crypto Regulation, What It Means With Changelly’s Eric Benz
Developments from the past week have once again put Washington in focus for the crypto community. First, there was the 2021 budget proposal which saw the Trump administration tentatively allocating funds for the express purpose of controlling digital assets.
The reaction to the proposal has been mixed. Some see it as a positive sign of growth, signaling that crypto is here to stay and the government is ready to work with it in a constructive, long-sighted fashion. Others are not sold on Uncle Sam’s interventions into the fintech space and see this as just the latest move from an establishment whose speech has been at times dismissive, at times serious — but whose actions have always an obstacle to progress.
The inclusion into the proposed budget is a big first when it comes to American regulatory posture towards cryptocurrency, regardless of how the intent behind the move is perceived. It seems that the reasoning behind the increase in attention runs back to the unveiling of Libra, Facebook’s planned cryptocurrency.

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