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TokenGo platform of tokenization of business has collected $1 million for Pre-ICO

    TokenGo platform of tokenization of business has collected $1 million for Pre-ICO
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~ It is not a secret that the future of financial, operational and investment processes of the companies is based on the use of the blockchain technology. System researches of the largest representatives of consulting, law, investment and technological firms can find solutions for many tasks participants facing in each of sectors of economy in the distributed registers. Rapid growth of technologies gives rise to a set of decisions satisfying needs of real people. Cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, document flow in the system of the distributed register, and ICO as an IPO analog – have proved themselves as working, effective decisions, and the leaders in efficiency and quality of the provided services were already outlined in the market. However, all these decisions are united by one shortcoming – lack of the strategic platform providing a full complex of services and also lack of the uniform ecosystem meeting all requirements and wishes of participants. Existence of the uniform platform considering the above-stated parameters is possible only in a format of modular, self-sufficient system in which all components will be interconnected, and maintenance and providing system will be assigned to activity of participants. Such vision of the project has arisen among the creators of the TokenGo platform. The research of expectations from similar platforms has allowed to create a matrix of services for the effective work of both beginners, and large players of the market reflecting all processes of the company since creation of the website and finishing with maintaining smart contracts.
TokenGo is the platform for beginners and professionals in business blockchain based
             Having inspired by all advantages which are provided by use of blockchain technology and creation of a blockchain platform of tokenization of business became universal promoting of the decentralized systems and ICO, the purpose of founders of the TokenGo project. Taking into account that not each businessman or the author of a startup understands procedures of carrying out of ICO, and use of this mechanism for many projects opens a wide range of opportunities, creators of TokenGo, having realized this trend, were engaged in development of the platform within which any user will be able to use tools, simple for understanding, for holding the ICO procedure.Opportunties of the TokenGo platform for ICO projects For founders of projects which will use services of the TokenGo platform all necessary tools will be prepared and provided for carrying out of ICO: own tokens, lending-pages, structure of carrying out of bounty-companies with private offices of participants, ready decisions on safety of the websites, etc.Another important factor is that within the use of the TokenGo blockchain platform it will be possible to use the unique designer of smart contracts which control is easy and won't take a lot of time (in difference to independent setting up the smart contract of Ethereum, for example).TokenGo functions for businessFor the companies specializing in financial services TokenGo will give an opportunity of implementation of instant payments and transfers to any point of the world. In situations when there is a risk of failure to complete the transaction or there is no receipt of payment , the possibility of implementation of the translations by means of the blockchain platform will allow to secure this process as all data on any transactions are stored in the blockchain that excludes a possibility of any unilateral actions. It should be noted that storage of all transactions and documents in the blockchain of TokenGo provides full transparency of operations with finance, contracts and other records that simplifies accounting automation. Work in the field of law, document flow, the cadastral registration and registration actions will become also safer with the use of the TokenGo blockchain which will provide a guarantee of reliability of this or that information(without use of the third parties) .
The Concept of the TokenGo Ecosystem 

The model of isolation of economic and social processes has formed the basis of creation of an ecosystem of the TokenGo platform which is constructed taking into account all modern requirements for achievement of success and ensuring receiving income with its participants. Let’s bring in details the components of the TokenGo ecosystem and its opportunities.The TokenGo web platform contains a private office with all necessary summary information of the services which are already connected and preparing for connection and also data about passing the crowd sales and ICO of these projects. In your TokenGo private office it is possible to look at statistics of the activity concerning the acquired tokens, the sums of cryptocurrencies on purses and the carried-out of transactions. Also, the user of the TokenGo web platform will be able to read news about ICO, to participate in bounty-campaigns, to earn internal tokens, etc. The designer of the ICO TokenGo lending-pages will allow authors of ICO to carry out flexible control of the website for maintaining ICO and also to integrate it into the TokenGo web platform easily. All this will allow to improve understanding of projects for participants of the platform. The designer of the smart contracts Token Go simplifies process of creation of the smart contract and allows to receive the reliable and trouble-free decision for the owner and the investor. The TokenGo cryptocurrency exchange allows to integrate an unlimited number of currency pairs, and it has intuitively clear interface, the simplified check of balance, synchronization with a private office of the TokenGo web platform simplify and accelerate the process of receiving income. The system of a harvesting of votes of TokenGo will allow to motivate the participants of the platform to do the certain actions promoting achievement of a common goal, due to fair reward that is proportional to contribution of each of them. The fair system of rewards TokenGo will involve the strongest professionals of community in creation and guiding of the project .
GoPower (GPT) and GoCoin (GOC) Tokens platform and difference between them

GoPower (GPT) -it is a token on the blockchain of Ethereum which is the fundamental unit of the platform and is used for carrying out of TokenGo ICO. GoCoin (GOC), in contrast to GPT, is an internal token of TokenGo, payment and settlement means of the platform. GOC turns out daily as a result of minting (a mining analog) using own algorithm of consensus of DPoP (modified by DPoS). Participants of the platform are owners of GoPower tokens on the TokenGo platform, they automatically get a possibility of participation in production of coins GoCoin received as a result of daily activity of the participant of the platform. GoCoin is distributed between participants of the TokenGO platform on a special algorithm taking into account emission and also the planned growth of the course allowing to keep appeal of rewards and to provide stable growth of the platform. In total , 700 000 000 tokens of GoPower (GPT) are released,from which 600 000 000 GPT have been available to purchase since the beginning of Pre-ICO campaign. At the moment till February 10, 2018 the TokenGo platform carries out the preliminary stage of ICO which differs in the most favorable conditions. So, GPT tokens at the attractive price — 1 GPT = 0.00057143 ETH and also a bonus of 50% to purchase cost are offered to participants. It is necessary to consider that the current collecting within the passing Pre-ICO already makes 81% of Soft Cap or about $1 million. It means that on achievement of 100% the platform can pass to the further stage of development, and Pre-Sale bonus can be lowered according to conditions of the Road map of the project. Constant bonuses for quantity of the acquired tokens, for support of the project in various social networks and also referral programs are offered to participants of the crowdsale.So, it is obvious that due to the strategy and institutional approach of the analysis of the market, creators of the project have developed potentially competitive, profitable platform. Flexible conditions at the stage of Pre-Sale will allow investors to join active community of professionals within the platform on the most favorable conditions. To study in more detail the project,its concept and the Roadmap and also to take part in the passing Pre-ICO is possible on the official site of the company where Whitepaper of the project is presented or on the pages of TokenGo in social networks.

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