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4 года назад

Oikos.Cash Decentralized general assets

Oikos.Cash introduced
What is Oikos is a decentralized collective asset release property built on Tron. These combined assets are mortgaged by the Oikos Network Token (OKS) which, when locked in the contract, will allow the release of composite assets (Synths). This model of collateral allows users to switch between Synths directly with smart contracts, avoiding the need for partners. This mechanism solves the liquidity and sliding problems encountered by DEX's. Oikos currently supports mixed currencies, cryptocurrencies (long and short) and commodities. OKS owners are encouraged to stake their tokens when they are paid a portion of the fees generated through their Oikos.Exchange activity, based on their contribution to the network. It is the right to participate in the network and to collect fees generated from Synth exchanges, from which the value of the OKS token is derived. Trading on Oikos.Exchange does not require traders to hold OKS.Oikos is an initiative to bring major DeFi applications to the Tron network. will support multiple payment methods that allow Oikos to be used seamlessly, just like any other currency. Among these are mobile payments that will allow bypassing the existing payment infrastructure and the very high fees associated with it. All transactions that do not require currency conversion will be free to both consumers and retailers. And if feasible, the Foundation will issue Oikos.Cash will support anonymous P2C transactions without internet.

OKS as collateral
How OKS backups Synths
All Synths are supported by OKS tokens. Synths are summed up when OKS owners consider their OKS as collateral with Minter, a decentralized application to interact with Oikos contracts. Synths are currently backed by a mortgage rate of 800%, although this may be increased or decreased in the future through community governance mechanisms. OKS producers incur debt when they mint Synths money and to exit the system (ie unlock their OKS), they have to repay this debt by burning Synths.
Oikos is currently challenging TRX as another form of mortgage. This means that traders can borrow Synths from their TRX and start trading immediately, instead of selling their TRX. TRX betting requires a collateral ratio of 150% and creates a debt equal to TRX, so TRX generates sTRX instead of sUSD and does not participate in the 'common debt' aspect of the system. In this model, TRX manufacturers do not receive fees or rewards because they do not risk the debt group when someone exchanges one Synth with another Synth (i.e. on Oikos.Exchange). Each transaction that creates an exchange fee is sent to a group of fees, available to OKS investors who request their rates per week. This fee ranges from 10 to 100 bps (0.1% - 1%, although usually 0.3%) and will be displayed in any transaction on Oikos.Exchange. Another incentive for holders of OKS stakes / minting is the OKS bet reward, derived from the protocol's inflationary monetary policy. The OKS token has a schedule to provide integrated inflation. Starting the first year, 1,442,308 OKS will be added each week, with a break down rate of 1.25% starting at week 40 and running for 194 weeks. By 234 weeks, the terminal ratio is 2. A 5% permanent inflation will be achieved. These OKS tokens are distributed to OKS manufacturers
and other cryptocurrencies to profit from trading. Some Synths trade on the open market, so they may fall below the level of the assets they track. Incentives are required to ensure that deviations from the pegs are minimal and actors are motivated to correct them.
There are three methods to maintain Synth latch:
Arbitrage: OKS producers have created debt by minting Synths, so if the peg falls, they can now make a profit by buying sUSD back below par value and burning it to reduce debt, because the Oikos system Always value 1 sUSD at 1 USD.
STRX liquidity group on Oikos Swap: every week, an OKS part is added to the total supply through inflation monetary policy distributed as a reward for sTRX / TRX liquidity providers on Oikos Swap . This has encouraged liquidity providers to create the largest liquidity group on Oikos Swap (at the time of writing), allowing traders to buy Synths to start trading or sell Synths to make a profit.
OKS Auction: Oikos is currently testing a new mechanism with the dFusion protocol (from Gnosis) in which OKS discounts are auctioned off for TRX, then used to buy Synths below the latch

Why trade composite assets?
Oikos In this system, it will provide stable intrinsic value, interest payments, privacy, transparency, secure ownership, free real-time transactions, the ability to convert and convert. No international borders, many payment methods, free basic account services and legal framework. But above all, Oikos is designed to serve
Composite assets provide exposure to an asset without holding onto the underlying resource. This has a range of advantages, including reducing friction when switching between different assets (for example, from Apple stock to synthetic gold), expanding the accessibility of certain assets, and censorship resistant.

Advantages of Oikos.Exchange

Trading on Oikos.Exchange offers many advantages over centralized exchanges and DEX-based orders. The lack of an order book means all transactions are made on a contract, called a P2C transaction (on a par with the contract). The property is assigned an exchange rate through the price feed provided by a prophet and can be converted by Oikos.Exchange dApp. This provides infinite liquidity up to the total amount of collateral in the system, zero slippage and unauthorized online transactions.

How Synths works

Synths are synthetic assets that track the price of underlying assets. They allow owners to be exposed to Tron with different types of assets without holding basic assets or trusting supervisors. Synths are backed by Oikos Network Token (OKS), which is set as collateral at a rate of 800%.

Current synths

There are currently five types of Synths available: fiat currencies, commodities, cryptocurrencies, reverse cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency indices. Our fiat synths include sUSD, sEUR, sKRW, and more; Our commodity synths include synthetic gold and synthetic silver, both measured per ounce; Our cryptocurrencies include sBTC, sTRX and sBNB, with more to come; and our inverse Synths track the inverse of the prices of those available cryptocurrencies, meaning that when the price of BTC drops, the price of iBTC will increase. Our current cryptocurrency indexes are sDEFI and sCEX (and their inverse), respectively, tracking a DeFi asset basket and a centralized exchange token basket.

System architecture
Mint Synths

OKS holders can cast sUSD by locking their OKS as collateral through the Oikos smart contract. The steps involved when the OKS holder suggests are:

The Oikos contract checks that the OKS manufacturer can cast Synths with their OKS, requiring their Mortgage Rate to be less than 800%.
Their debt is added to the debt register. The debt is the amount of newly minted value and is stored in sUSD
With the debt assigned to the bettor, the Oikos contract instructs the sUSD contract to issue new amounts. It adds it to its total supply and assigns the newly minted sUSD to the user's wallet.
If the price of OKS increases, an equivalent portion of the staker's OKS will automatically be unlocked as collateral. For example, if a user locks in $ 100 OKS as collateral and the value of OKS doubles, then half of their OKS (total value: $ 200) is locked and the other half is unlocked. . If they want, that extra unlocked OKS can be set to cast additional sUSD.


The steps related to smart contracts for processing Synth exchanges (from sUSD to sBTC in this example) are as follows:

Write Synth (sUSD), which involves reducing the sUSD balance of that wallet address and updating the total supply of sUSD.
Set the conversion amount (i.e. exchange rate, based on the price of each currency).
Calculate the exchange fee, which is currently 0.3% of the amount converted and send the fee in sUSD form to the fee group, where OKS manufacturers can claim.
The remaining 99.7% is issued by the target Synth contract (sBTC) and the wallet address balance is updated
Total supply of sBTC is updated.
No partners are required to exchange, as the system converts debt from one Synth to another. Therefore, no order book order or order matching is required, resulting in infinite liquidity between Synths. No debt changes are required to be recorded for the debt group, since the same value is burned from the Synth source and minted from the destination Synth.
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Conclusion about Oikos.Cash
Oikos.Cash It will provide significant protection from problems related to other cryptocurrencies and legacy banking systems. With its many advantages, Oikos.Cash is positioned to become the dominant player in the race to create the next generation of cryptocurrencies. As such, Oikos has great potential. With its many advantages, Oikos.Cash is positioned to become the dominant player in the race to create the next generation of cryptocurrencies. As such, it has huge potential.Oikos has provided one of the most complex and useful protocols built on Tron to date. But the potential for anti-censorship-synthesizing assets remains untapped. Further improvements in mechanisms as well as functional upgrades and new Synths will significantly increase the utility of the platform. Moving to a decentralized management process will also reduce systemic risk and increase the long-term viability of the project.

Well the article here is the end of the information below

Website: https://oikos.cash/
Oikos Exchange: https://oikos.exchange/
Lightpaper: https://docs.oikos.cash/litepaper/
Github: https://github.com/orgs/oikos-cash/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oikos_cash
Discord: https://discord.gg/qjuqy6X
Telegram : https://t.me/oikoscash
Name: har72658
Bitcointalkprofile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2635618
Tron wallet: TLHs9rWRCH6hijkjvpXDCUYavJ4c6HdTPe

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