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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


People have always sought to share with each other new knowledge, experience with which the evolutionary path of man could grow and develop. If we didn't have that in our genes, we wouldn't have evolved to that extent. Now, in the world of high technology to get any knowledge has become much easier, because many resources reveal to the user limitless possibilities of access to information.

Of course, often this kind of information can deliberately distort one or another message of knowledge, laid down initially in his understanding. After all, as practice shows, it is now extremely easy to change anything and pass it off as the only correctly existing truth. Which in turn does not have anything to do with the original version of the information presented. Against this background, people fall into the so-called curved mirror of information, where without proper effort it is extremely difficult to identify who is right and who is wrong.

More than that, to prove their ability and professionalism, people increasingly began to turn to various resources, where they can position themselves as a specialist in a particular area. But alas, the world is so overgrown with various kinds of scammers who now and then want to deceive everyone, profiting at the same time on such gullible users like you and me.
To eliminate this kind of problem seeks a team of developers, whose main goal was to launch a universal platform that provides reliable and most importantly proven access to the platform Intelligent Hero.

About the project
I will not beat around the Bush for too long, so I will say right away that Intelligent Hero has a decentralized structure, and also meets all its indicators: security, reliability and transparency. It is on these qualities that the founders of Intelligent Hero emphasized, because only thanks to them people will be able to appreciate the incredible capabilities of Intelligent Hero, access to which will be to put it mildly limited by the level of your knowledge and professional skills.

Peculiar properties
Naturally, in order to understand the essence of Intelligent Hero in more detail, I will talk a little about its technical aspects and why the idea of Intelligent Hero is just phenomenal. First, in order for you to get into Intelligent Hero you will need to pass a small test corresponding to your category of skills, knowledge and education. This procedure is aimed at sorting professionals from low-quality professionals in certain areas.

After traversing successfully test you will have access to Intelligent Hero, where you can easily find yourself as an employer and friends in your chosen categories. In a word, Intelligent Hero will allow you to immerse yourself in a high-quality environment of users whose skill level is the maximum.

Who needs it?!
I do not deny that this kind of question could easily arise in your head. However, I would not be in your place immediately so critical of the concept of Intelligent Hero as anything special.On the contrary!

The built-in algorithm Intelligent Hero aims only to minimize the number of low-quality performers in the field of freelancers, as well as to increase the conditions of interaction of all participants in this direction. Thus forming a community with intellectual knowledge in a particular area.
At the same time, Intelligent Hero opens an opportunity for everyone who does not have any professional skills at the moment. Including them in the so-called education program on the results of which it will be easy to pass the test and thus obtain certification from Intelligent Hero, commensurate with higher education. As for me, this is a truly incredible idea that will appeal to many of you.

Why A Blockchain?!
The answer to this question in many ways I think will be obvious. Given the level of fraudsters and dishonest performers in the field of freelancing, as well as those authors whose experience is calculated only by the length of their language, Intelligent Hero is able to solve this problem in no time. After all, each passed test by one or another participant will be fixed within the unchanged structure of the blockchain, which means that even the most cunning and sophisticated users will not be able to fake it or change it.

So hard filtering is part of the Intelligent Hero of the participants. This structure forms a completely new community of professionals from around the world. Thereby increasing the level of trust to all participants of its ecosystem, as well as the level of their professional knowledge.

Naturally, to fully understand the actions and structure of Intelligent Hero you will be extremely little of my enthusiastic words. However, I am sure that my message ignited in you the spark of healthy curiosity and you will be interested to learn about Intelligent Hero in more detail. This can be done with the help of official resources of the project, as well as clearly structured technical documentation of the project, which contains all the most important details and features of Intelligent Hero.

So do not waste time in vain and go to my next section of the article, where you have long been waiting for all these links. And on this I perhaps will complete its the review. It was good to try and see you soon!

The official resources of the project Intelligent Hero:
WEBSITE: https://intelligent.community//
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/intelligent_community
WHITEPAPER: https://intelligent.community/pdf/INTELLIGENT_HERO_PROJECT_WP_V2.1_(ENG).pdf
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/IntelligentHero.Community/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/intell_hero/
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/intelligent-community/about/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/intelligent_hero/

Bitcointalk Username: Badboster
Bitcointalk link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2120022
Telegram username:@ayusari45
ETH Wallet:0x224548bdea73431943518549f6226bfed9751468

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