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7 лет назад

The most powerful hackers in the world N their Hacking

Hello dear friends
I am @appy

There are 10 cyber attacks by hackers in the cyber history


1)The Oregational Logic Bomb

At the time of the Cold War in 1982, the CIA planned to demoralize the Russian Siberian gas pipeline project. He did not use this blast conventional methods using bombs and missiles, but in place of it, he used a computer code to bomber the Siberian gas pipeline.

  1. 'Dishan Rain

In 2004, Swan Carpenter conducted cyber attacks in a joint manner. Because of these attacks, the FBI's head was stunned. The ABI felt that these attacks were done by a group supported by China. These hackers, in the name of 'Tirtan Rain', used to take possession of several computer networks, including NASA, Lockheed Martin, Redstone Arsenal and Sandia National Laboratories. These attacks are considered to be one of the world's largest cybercars. In this cyber attack, all data related to the security of the army and the espionage was stolen.

  1. Moonlight maje

Hackers hacked American computer systems in the early stages of hacking. This hacking is known by the names of the Moonlight Maja. The American official would say the hand of Russia behind it, but he refused to play his role in it. The cyber attack was targeted at military maps, Pentagon and other US officials, the Department of Energy, NASA, various universities and research laboratories. It was found in March 1988 about the cyber attack that had been going on for almost two years.

  1. Epiclon

This is one of the most expensive cyber attacks in the history of cyber attacks. Data from the world's largest marking and handling service industrial epilon was stolen. From 2011, the industry, finance services, retail and many major companies were connected. Hackers hacked Email Address in this cyber attack so that they could use them for criminal activities.

  1. Estonia Cyberworld

On April 27, 2007, the government of Estonia, a supporter of the Kremlin group of Transnistra, was taken into custody by Cyber ​​Terror. This was a big cyber attack after 'Titan rain'. They used to hack the official website through ping floods and boatnets and make them useless. His method was very complex. The Government of Estonia believed that these hackers were assisted by the Russian government.

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