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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Designing information is a major part of AI. Machines can often act and respond like people only if they have unfounded data that identifies with the world. Man-made reasoning must approach objects, classes, properties, and relationships between each to actualize information development. Starting good judgment, thinking power, and critical thinking power in a machine is a troublesome and monotonous task.

AI is also a central part of AI. Learning without supervision requires the ability to distinguish designs in various sources of information, while learning with adequate supervision including characterization and numerical relapses.

What is DAIN?
DAIN is a next generation artificial intelligence platform, a decentralized public computing network that is distributed geographically distributed supported by blockchain and artificial intelligence technology to solve and solve problems. This platform uses computing resources that are efficient and without connections from other devices provided anywhere in the world to solve complex AI problems. DAIN awards hardware owners and maps the artificial intelligence market. This allows companies with similar needs to provide or find joint solutions.

Besides the fact that it offers unlimited administration, Dain will also give users a variety of benefits. Where the benefits are one stage to provide the most extreme gains for the organization and people. By using the Dain administration, you will reduce costs for different needs, for example, Iaas, besides that, you will also get quick access to discover various types of miracles that occur in the market through different data and information. Where this will surely make the organization ready to make vital steps that are appropriate and appropriate.

Then again, you can also do various types of exchanges at no cost by utilizing the Dain administration. By utilizing Dain administration, it is also possible for every organization to use computers or gadgets that have very low detail and Dain will turn it into a system. Where Dain will use 5G availability and gadget heterogeneity to have the option to interact with the web manager.

Information about the project and its features
So the first thing I want to start is the name of the DAIN project. As you can see, this is quite concise and easy to remember. At the same time, despite its simplicity, it hides a very global idea which tries to implement its plans for the introduction and popularization of artificial intelligence in the general public. As you have already guessed, it will be very difficult to achieve such success in the traditional relationship system that we have now. That's why increasingly popular blockchain technology has saved. The scale of functions and actions allows us to go beyond many aspects of the world of traditional relationships. Reveal unlimited potential for all fields of humanity.

the benefits
The founders of DAIN decided to follow the same path. And apparently, high-quality decentralized applications and the capacity of tens of thousands of unused devices around the world are enough to realize this idea. Which devices can be computers and smartphones, laptops and tablets. Furthermore, users who decide to lease their capacity will be able to receive pleasant compensation from DAIN which is stated as an internal system token.

Of course, to provide these services qualitatively, an appropriate level of internal elements is needed with the help of which all transactions occur within DAIN. For this purpose, the developers developed an internal token system based on the Ethereum protocol with a standard ERC-20 code, which in turn was supported by smart contracts.

Road map


Summarizing some of the foregoing considerations, I would like to highlight the unique approach of the DAIN idea, as well as its method of implementation. At the same time, DAIN opportunities are countless and to tell you all about them, I will not have a single day. And why should I do it, if for this purpose there is technical documentation specifically developed from the project. Where anyone who is interested will be able to find answers to any question.

Detailed Information:

WEBSITE: https://dain.ai
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/dainware
WHITEPAPER: https://dain.ai/docs/DAIN%20-%20Whitepaper_ENG.pdf
FACEBOOK: https: //www.facebook. com / dainware
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/dainware
LINKEDIN: https://linkedin.com/company/dain

Author: Adiva16
Bitcoibtalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2343007

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