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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Atomic Wallet - Best Bitcoin Wallet

Atomic Wallet is created to make day-to-day cryptocurrency usage more secure while bringing the best customer experience to both customers and investors. It is a suitable and protean decentralized effect for the custody-free cryptocurrency trading, it is a new type of decentralized cross-blockchain exchange. This platform is based on a unique proprietary engine designed to solve its assigned tasks. Atomic Wallet is the simplest way to connect buyers and sellers within a decentralized network, it also provides a powerful in-demand service which allows users to reduce efforts spent on managing digital assets.

Atomic Wallet is a multifunctional free cryptocurrency wallet. Atomic Wallet supports over 300 assets and that is why it is called a Multi-cryptocurrency Wallet. Atomic Wallet is a Cold Storage Wallet and doesn't require any registration. It has, build in Atomic Swap and P2P Exchange.

In order to use Atomic Wallet, first you need to download it from the website. Since, it is a desktop wallet you have to download the wallet depending on your desktop operating system. Currently it supports Windows, macOS, Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora.


Click on Create Wallet and enter a new password then re-enter the same password and click Set Password. The Next screen is your Atomic Wallet User Interface, as shown in the image below.

It can be divided into three parts and they are:

  • Top Menu
  • Navigation Menu
  • Asset Management Page.

Top Menu 

In the Top Menu you will find Hide Zero Balance, Amount: High to Low/Low to High, Add Token, Refresh button and Assests filtaration.

Navigation Menu

In Navigation Menu you will find Amount(USD), Wallet, Atomic Swap, Exchange, History, Setting. Airdrop and Exit.

Asset Management Page 

The center part of the wallet is called the Asset Management Page as shown in the image below. First there are coins and then there are tokens. This is where you will be able to view your holding coin/token balance, send/recieve, create atomic swap and everything else, that is possible using both the Menus.


This is selected by default, whenever you unlock your wallet. It display holding assests balance, you can send/receive assets using this tab.


Not all coins in Atomic Wallet are supported in Atomic Swap yet, that’s why you can use Exchange option provided by ShapeShift service.

Atomic Swap

The Atomic Swaps is a cross-chain exchange feature that makes it possible for users to exchange cryptocurrencies between each other without third-party interference.

Atomic wallet makes use of decentralized Atomic Swap to carry out transactions and proceed with cross-chain exchange which makes the system to avoid the risk involved in third party engagements. Through atomic swaps, users will be able to exchange any cryptocurrency from a particular blockchain with another cryptocurrency from another blockchain without the need of an exchange, or a third-party.

The main functions of Atomic Swap are:

  • Peer to Peer order, based on blocks
  • Fast and secure data transfer with Atomic Distributed Order Book
  • Atomic Distributed Order Book is protected against spam and fraud
  • The lowest transaction fees
  • The order is a proposition, not an obligation
  • Order placement does not block customer funds
  • The order can be executed with multiple transactions
  • Offline traders can not trade
  • The execution is managed manually
  • The applicant may reject the execution

History — Here you will able to view all your transaction in detail that you have done using your Wallet.

Settings — In settings you have four sub tabs and they are

Security — Change your wallet password using this tab.
Privatekey — Enter your Atomic Wallet password, it will display the private key of Individual assets in Atomic Wallet.
Import — Import assets from other wallets to Atomic Wallet by entering the private key of the wallet you want to import to Atomic Wallet by paying a small fee in Ethereum.
Support — Atomic Wallet Help database.


Atomic Wallet is a wallet that I recommend for everyone to use, the interface is so beautiful and user friendly. Atomic Wallet is available for all major Operating Systems. I'm sure this wallet is the best bitcoin wallet among all!

By the way feel free to download android mobile version of the wallet and leave your feedback. Also they plan to release a mobile version on iOS!

More info


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