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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Blox.io & Atomic Wallet

Hello, friens!

Atomic Wallet is a multi-purpose custody free cyptocurrency wallet. Atomic Wallet supports over 300 assest and that is why it is called a Multi-cryptocurrency Wallet. Atomic Wallet is a Cold Storage Wallet and doesnot require any registration. It has, build in Atomic Swap and P2P Exchange.

Every new week - New token in Atomic Wallet! This is great! Today the next project is Blox.io

In oder to use Atomic Wallet, first you need to download it from the website. Since, it is a desktop wallet you have to download the wallet depending on your desktop operating system. The wallet is a multifunctional and incredibly convenient mechanism for exchanging crypto assets. By the way, Atomic Wallet has an already working product that is available for download on the project website. https://atomicwallet.io/

About Blox.io

Blox is a crypto asset tracking, management and bookkeeping platform for professionals, businesses and enterprises. Blox also offers a robust scalable API for blockchain developers & companies, together with an infrastructure to fetch and interpret blockchain data in an automated, efficient and accurate way. Automatically sync your wallets and exchanges into a single account, get a complete view of your balances & full transactions list to classify, monitor and export, and invite team members to work together.
CDT is used to access the various features and functionalities that Blox offers. It also acts as a discount token for businesses and enterprises.

In order to start a full-fledged working process in the wallet associated with the CDT token, you need to download the wallet from the official website of Atomic Wallet - https://atomicwallet.io/downloads

Important! You need to save your password and your 12 mnemonic words to access your wallet. This is the only way to regain access to your wallet in case you lose your password . No one should say them or read them anywhere. This is a very important point.

After installing the wallet, you need to buy / exchange CDT or make a deposit from any source to your address specified in the wallet. It is also worth remembering that in order to withdraw CDT token from Atomic Wallet, you need to have some ETH to pay the Ethereum blockchain fees.

In short, all processes with CDT token in the Atomic Wallet wallet are identical as with other tokens of the ERC-20 standard. You can store these tokens in a safe place without worrying about the safety of your assets. These statements are confirmed by the trust of a large number of users of the crypto-wallet, which does not stop increasing every day. It is worth noting that the developers reported for 2018 and announced the amazing numbers of wallet users - more than 100 thousand people! It is amazing, because the project is very young and it is still ahead.

Atomic Wallet is a unique decentralized platform developed by a great team with an innovative idea to offer users a great perspective for storing, trading and transferring their digital assets efficiently, conveniently and securely using any device. With this wallet cryptocurrency can be easily used in real life by exchanging it for fiat, as well as the ability to exchange in the opposite direction.


Atomic Wallet is a wallet that I recommend for everyone to use, the interface is so beautiful and user friendly. Frankly speaking, Atomic Wallet gives confidence for the future most of all, because this device is really very multifunctional and easy to use. When you start using it, you immediately notice all the prospects and opportunities.


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На Golos с March 2018
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