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6 лет назад

TOP NETWORK | A Decentralized Communication Network

u5tr1u24l1w_63_1544737482443.pngThe world is fast developing this days with different technology been built and aim to solve problems in every way. The Blockchain technology has been one dominating the technology world and has been a huge success to the digital world. The Blockchain technology is been used in every way nowadays to bring standard and easy way to perform, secure and solve our daily difficulties. This technology has proven to be the standard of all and industries and businesses adopting the technology. And with it performance the blockchain technology is future of technology and it is not stopping anytime soon. Today I will be talking about TOP NETWORK. In this 21st century communications has been one of those things that has been keeping us going, we've seen lots of communication processes and such as the social medias, IoT data sharing, streaming and etc all of this are been used every single day by millions of people to get through their day. For instance the social media ( Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram and Telegram) is one which many can't do without, and this is because it has really enhanced the communication network making it more easier and faster to communicate. Streaming applications such as YouTube, Netflix, Hulu etc has also became more useful to Livestream  and share video contents to the world. All of this communication methods has been working as expected but do not work hand in hand which has created a lower advantage of the communication network.

Communication tool when working Interconnected this give out a more result and easy use of the communication network and this is where Top Network want to solve, imagine a Interconnected communication network where users can send messages from Facebook to someone on Twitter this will make communication more easier and expecially one won't need to keep creating different accounts on each communication network. Also the need for users earning from communication networks has been what many has been hoping for. Many spend minimum of 6hours on Facebook and at the end could not even earn a cent but rather making money for the developers. Also many has the mentality to create their own communication method but the resources to set it up are way to high which has lead to their dreams been shattered, also the high cost of maintenance as caused setbacks in the communications networks. Among this all is what TOP Network aims to solve.

TOP Network is a high-performance blockchain with a powerful array of service-level infrastructures. TOP Network is decentralizing the P2P communication Network which will be the world’s first decentralized cloud communication services, to make it a lot more easier and friendly for users to use. The TOP Network is building a business friendly blockchain platform that can handle real-word business of any type, size or volume on the blockchain and also implement some changes into it to facilitate and develop the process involved.

The TOP decentralized platform is build to enhance the communication network. The platform is powered by the blockchain 4.0 technology which mean that it will use AI and other technology in enhancing the productivity of communication services. This communication services includes vіdео streaming, VPN, mеѕѕаgіng, VоIP, CDN,  data ѕhаrіng, etc. The TOP Network is built with a multi-chain architecture with one service chain for one TOP service. Every account created are arranged into zones which each zone has lots of shards. The TOP DAG-based chain is able to horizontally scale to half a million TPS which will make the TOP Network platform process unlimited tasks.

The TOP Network benefits are much more but will explain few below which includes

Easy Development Of Communication Application

As I've said earlier that the development and maintenance of the current communication service is too high and run new developers into shutting down their platforms but with TOP Network providing API and software development kit (SDK) to developers which will allow them to build and maintain their own communication applications. With this developers doesn't need to go through lots of stress in creating their own communication application.

Interconnected communication services

This has been one of the this am hype for. This will allow users from other communication service communicate with other users on a different communication service. This will make communication more easier and faster with the integrated blockchain 4.0 this is well promising and efficient. Users data are also secured on the platform because it is built with high security protocols.

Low Energy Consumption When Mining

The TOP Network also has it token (TOP Token) , the token will be the sole token used by the platform, which can be mine through the platform through the creation of communication services. This method will minimize the use of power from utilized devices.



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These benefits of the TOP Network will lead in the creation of a new evolution in the communication network leading to more advantages. It will also bring new ideas and innovations into the communication network. More avenue to earn from communication services will also be release by TOP network which will allow every developer and users to earn the TOP token and in all this will boost the efficiency of the blockchain technology.

For more information about TOP NETWORK, kindly visit the links below.

Website: https://www.topnetwork.org/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/topnetwork_top

Telegram: https://t.me/topnetwork_top

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/topnetworktop/

Bitcointalk Username: Oluwatimi

Bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1916121

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