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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

North Korea

First of all lets just get right what happened to Korea. Here's a little history lesson

The Cold war and WW2
When Japan surrendered in World War 2 they had to give up all the land they had acquired with force, including Korea and also Taiwan. The Japanese had ruled Korea for 35 years before they surrendered. They than had to be split according do the United Nations through the 38th parallel. This meant that the Soviet Union could control the north and the United States the south and did not have plans to keep it like this. The United Nations then decided that 2 elections were to be held in the North and the South. The south did so and elected Syngman Rhee and established the republic of Korea. The north side decided not to and created a communist state and made Kim Il Sung the leader of the country.

The Korean War
The soviet union and china had equipped North Korea with weapons and tanks whereas the United States only had given some weapons and no tanks. Soon enough, in 1950 soviet leader Joseph Stalin directed North Korea to cross the 38th parallel and invade the south. The united nations decided to intervene to help South Korea with mostly american troops. By September of 1950, North Korea had cornered South Korea. The North Koreans had to give their soldiers on the front line supplies so the United States decided to exploit this. They took back control of Seoul and disrupted their supply line. Within a few months South Korea had taken back all of its land and had taken almost all of North Korea. Then China decided to come in and sent troops across the border into North Korea, they then got back all the land til the 38th parallel. They then signed an armistice agreement and created the DMZ.

So that was the history lesson.

So all you South Koreans out there, What do you think of North Korea?
Is it good or bad? tell me in the comments below.
Sorry if some of this is incorrect, I tried writing as close to the plot I could but there may be some mistakes.


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