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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Bitcoin Price Prediction: BTC/USD the gateway to heavenly highs just a breakthrough away – Confluence Detector

Bitcoin price in the second half of trading on Thursday is trading in the red, nursing losses of 0.10%, as the price consolidates.

The bulls continue to try and gradually grind down the $5500-600 price range, the key to a $6000 return.

Bitcoin price on Thursday in the second half of the session is trading in minor negative territory, down just some 0.10%. BTC/USD is within consolidation mode, ahead of a further potential committed move north.

BTC/USD bulls are continuing to try and battle a breakdown of the chunky supply region, $5500-600. The noted area is a huge barrier in the way of the big psychological $6000 price mark. Bitcoin last traded here in November 2018.

Looking via the daily confluence detector, firstly the barriers of support; $5364.80, daily pivot point support, $5251.45 weekly 38.2% Fibonacci. To the upside in terms of resistance; $5478.16, daily 23.6% Fibonacci, weekly pivot point resistance, $5591.52, weekly pivot point resistance.

0.328 GOLOS
На Golos с April 2019
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