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4 года назад

ATTN ecological Gaming and Mining Platform



E-sports popularly known as Electronic sports is a form of online sport competition that uses video games and it comes in different forms like Multiplayer video game , single player video games and more. E-sport industry is a very robust industry but majority of this industry operates on centralized system which doesn't seems fair enough . In this article, i will be discussing about a ground breaking global E-sport platform popularly known as ATTN.

ATTN has been in existence for some years and has gain popularity and large user base across the world. It is rated among the largest global E-sports eco industry in South Asia with a global user base worth more than 25 million. ATTN focuses on building the world greatest E-sport platforms and restructuring the global e-sport platform by integrating blockchain technology to boost general operational efficiency , transparency and facilitating more global adoption of decentralized e-sport.

ATTN will remove all barriers associated with the existing conventional centralized system in the global E-sports ecosystem by decentralizing the entire system .It is no doubt ATTN will in soonest time become a multi- billion dollar e-sports company .By decentralizing the ecosystem , ATTN will become a universal platform where any user irrespective of their countries , status and national currencies will be able to use the platform .

Mostly in centralized set up,there are limitations to cross broader financial operation and this barrier will limit the number of potential users. The Decentralized approach adopted by ATTN will break the barrier associated to payment hence attracting large users to the platform . In this case, users will be able to subscribe to different games of their choice , wager games with ATTN Cryptocurrency .


In a bid to build a sustainable blockchain powered E-sport , IOST , one of the top global blockchain industry has made a strategic investment in ATTN company , the duo company will be able to explore jointly the development of blockchain application in the area of E-sports. The partnership will also enable ATTN to further support IOST blockchain games development , while both company will be working together to build the world most powerful blockchain based gaming ecosystem.


ATTN is exploring the world of blockchain to boost their operational efficiency, offering best customers service and expanding the scope of the operation of its ecosystem .As we all know Decentralization is the key to future. Blockchain has created a decentralized world where every citizen of the world can interact together , transact together and do things in common . The approach implements by the team of ATTN will break down lots of existing barriers between the conventional gaming system and blockchain based gaming system . Blockchain will enable ATTN improve transparency , usability , wider user and achieving global coverage. Integrating blockchain technology will improve the entire gaming ecosystem and lowering users experience threshold .As an existing e-gaming platform with over 25 million user base ,a new ideas and innovation that will supersedes the ever existed ones in blockchain gaming ecosystem will be introduced by ATTN.

As mentioned earlier , ATTN has been in the field of E-sports since 2016 and has built a very strong goodwill and millions of users confidence . ATTN has super rich resources , ,wealth of experiences and advantages in the conventional game players, traffic, CP and web casters.In the future, the company will gradually migrate their player pool,traffic pool, CP and web casters in a blockchain . The ecosystem aims to build an highly scalable and secured blockchain network which will enable users all over the world have the best e-gaming experience and maximizing the value of E-gaming and E-sports respectively. Another strategic partnership and investment was also made by OK Strategic Cooperation investment Agency k42 and Laboratory.



E-SPORT ENGAGEMENT PLATFORM : ATTN has developed the world first professional e-game matchmaking platform ,holding E-sports start matchmaking game, holding game editing challenges and more in South East Asia which covers wide range of game matchmaking gaming service , . These includes: (CS & DOTA ) e-games , QQ Casual games

E-SPORT LIVE STREAMING SERVICE : This service allows results and schedules of the global professional sports fully feature in the platform . E-sport is the basis of the streaming and it drives large traffics from Youtube, Tock , HUYA , DOYI , Twitch , WeCaht , Tick , Tock, Kuaishou and more .It covers DOTA2, CS, GO , LOL and Strike of Kings.

REVIEWS AND DISTRIBUTION PLATFORM : ATTN has a robust platform dedicated for E-sports ,the company expands blockchain game service distribution through reviews , it aims to offer game developers an open source platform where they can customize, benefit , share ideas and develop together.

ESPORT EVENTS AND QUIZZES : ATTN provides the best facilities where users can chose the best odds.Based on the platform Smart contract ,any class of user can engage in game guessing in a very fair and transparent manner. Users are offers paid content to help their guessing .More than 100 Professionals in the platform offers users with best game result prediction and analysis service and data support.






ATTN Official Resources

Website: https://www.attn.one
Whitepaper: https://www.attn.one/pdf/attn_whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/attnofficial
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/attncommunity/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/attncommunity
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/attncommunity/
Medium : https://medium.com/@attncommunity
Username:FLOID 1995

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