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6 лет назад

AirSaveTravel ICO

The recent momentum the crypto world is gathering and its popularity as conventional means of transacting,means of payment and its general positive impact to the ecosystem is huge with alot of adoption, the urgent and unique crave for Digital exchange and unique trading platform with exceptional features and intuitive features cannot be overemphasized.
This development will empower individuals to adopt and raise their love for crypto because there is a trusted and secured medium of trade which protects their interests and provides guidance. All the urgent need has led to the establishment of a three in one platform with an objective of empowering adopters and the entire Cryptocurrency enthusiasts. This platform through its blueprint and structures has great and standard features which makes provision for adequate travelling opportunities along side updates and creates an ecosystem which will allow them to execute a large number of activities compared to the first blockchain.

On the surface, travel is about seeing new places and (if you’re heading abroad to volunteer) giving a bit back at the same time. But underneath it is so much more, opening your horizons to experience completely different cultures, cuisines and landscapes. While photos are proof that you went and saw, it’s the transformation that takes place within that is often the strongest evidence of why travel is important.

About AirSaveTravel
Airsave Travel is a decentralized application (DApp), which will be built in 2018. This is a one-click technology that does not require input, input or installation. Airsave Travel uses blockchain technology to seamlessly attract, authenticate and reward all users within its ecosystem who want to save and earn money for their travels.

The platform provides savings in their new crypto currency, Airsave Coins (AST). Savings can also be made in foreign currency. You will see how easily crypto-points can triple your real income by tracking both virtual and real balances in real time. Using the existing concept of Airsave (currently available in the App Store), along with blockchain technology with open source, you can use your network of friends to make money on all your travels.

When you save 20 every month with us (or the equivalent in AST), you earn £ 5 each month for every friend you save, and when you invite your friends and express your referral list, you can observe how your uncovered income. Every 4 months you can withdraw your savings and earnings in Fiat or any crypto currency of your choice, at least 20% of the amount paid as travel vouchers from their exclusive partner STA Travel.

We designed this platform to run using blockchain technology as the basis for our platform development. Because since it first appeared, blockchain comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology uses a system, where every transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, so transaction security and transparency can be maintained and reduce the possibility of data fraud. Blockchain is inherently resistant to the modification of the data involved. Blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, connected and secured using cryptography. Each block usually contains a hash pointer as a link to the previous block, timestamp, and transaction data. Using blockchain for all our transactions will lower operating costs, increase transaction speed, create transparent and fair markets open, democratize value distribution and narrow down relationships between advertisers, network providers and customers.

Features of the project:

Save and earn: users and their friends have the opportunity to earn money in tokens or currency.

Share with friends: Money can be earned when users turn to friends from their Facebook friends list.

Awards: Extinguish your savings and profits to cash in on STA Travel tickets.

Free: the opportunity to save and earn virtual money comes at no cost. Therefore, there are no risks associated with testing the product.

Ease of use: tracking monthly savings and profits is available in convenient user-friendly dashboards.

ACT Token

AST is the merger of a new crypto currency with revolutionary economy and earns a platform built on blockchain technology. AST attributes, also called Airsave Coin, are an ERC20 marker that allows access to AST DApp and the ability to save and earn money, crypt awards and STA Travel vouchers.

AST signs can be sold on various exchanges after the completion of the ICO.

The opening date of Airdrop was April 9, 2018 and closed on April 20, 2018. The value of the ICO token is US $ 0.4 per ACT with a total value of US $ 125 million. Conclusion AirSave
Despite the fact that AirSave Travel provides good incentives for the client, it will take some time and effort to implement the entire business plan.

For more information about Airsave, you can send message to hello@airsavetravel.com

Website: http://www.airsavetravel.com/

Whitepaper: http://www.airsavetravel.com/doc/whitepaper.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AirsaveTravel/

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/FZXBqw6RJG2DBYrs6Mq0oQ

Twitter: https://t.me/joinchat/FZXBqw6RJG2DBYrs6Mq0oQ

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