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5 лет назад



With regards to the digital currency exchanging space, merchants are normally looked with assortments of exchanging restrictions. Noticeable among these is getting a simple exchanging access to stages that offer a trade of an assortment of altcoins. This particularly turns off hazard cherishing dealers who love to evaluate various coins. They think that its difficult to change over these altcoins also known trade stages do organize posting of the more settled coins over the less esteemed coins.

Another significant side road is the obligatory enrollment required to utilize these trade stages. This doesn't just remove the exchange obscurity benefits from the merchant, numerous stages do require the dealers to give confirmation of personality before assets move administrations can be conceivable. Different occasions, increasingly complex methodology are typically included.

Summing all these, noobs and even settled dealers are effectively disheartened from effectively putting resources into an assortment of coins. Particularly in light of the fact that many trade stages additionally require a lot of specialized expertise to utilize the exchanging interface.

Storichain is a task that gives mostly decentralized dApp applications and general conventions to take care of story industry issues utilizing blockchain qualities. The "story industry" alludes to businesses that utilization "stories" as the wellspring of their items and spread fields, for example, film, dramatization, web books, web dramatization, show, musicals and radio shows.

Storichain can be viewed as a computerized chronicled resource the executives framework that enables individuals to make online exchanges even with individuals who can't be depended on by going into "understandings to avert burglary of thoughts". Another issue in the industry is benefit sharing. For instance, the webtoon industry, which is one of the biggest plot-based ventures in Korea, has surpassed $ 700 million in market size, yet there are as yet numerous who uncertainty the benefit sharing structure in the industry, just as in numerous materials. Content makers still experience issues getting enough pay for their work.

Storichain started by putting a base worth token on story creation, which at last needed to lessen the expense of trust among members in the story industry – journalists, generation organizations, and perusers. Along these lines, Storichain will make the way toward making subsidiary works from source material increasingly straightforward, choose the treacheries that exist in the industry and make new qualities.

What is the history of this industry?

This alludes to the media industry dependent on stories, for example, movies, shows and web kid's shows.

The job of the delegate in the cutting edge story industry positively affects the end client of the ideal advantages of auxiliary work.

In any case, what advantages did the screenwriter get from the 10 million film appears?

What number of advantages does the normal peruser from perusing a unique novel and answer it?

How frequently does "abundance pay" happen?

Just yesterday or today there was an issue with the dispersion of abundance pay, however tomorrow we may not return.

Presently we need reasonable dispersion and conveyance for essayists who make stories, which are source material for the added substance media industry, and which later on will be 130 trillion won.

Simultaneously, it is extremely hard to by and large affirm quantitative information that can be utilized as a reason for scattering.

Commitment of information for the making of progressively exact gifts to DLT (innovation appropriated books) and giving remuneration to storytellers to the clearance of copyright.

Also, in the event that you can make the history of IP (protected innovation) a benefit, gather an establishment with your own history and make a genuinely new way of life unique in relation to the others.

Capacity chain work

  1. Advanced

Advanced for Collaboration/co-creator/contract producers between creators, week after week grants, and APIs for outsider substance suppliers

  1. Simple to utilize.

I need to talk anyplace, whenever.

Simple and quick composition stage.

  1. Wed

Writer Completion/Collaboration/Contract Work Statement/Update/Writing Notification Completed

  1. Support

Stage where perusers can partake in work, become scholars, make stories, and take part

  1. Straightforward

A stage that gives reasonable and straightforward remuneration to members.

  1. Stage

Worldwide stage that can be secured by interpretation, deal or copyright for worldwide development


A space where everybody can distribute secret circumstances in history with the assurance of individual data

Discounts can be made for new segments! Scene Reaction, Exchange, Assessment, Recommendation

Your profound perusing commitment is likewise founded on your response!

Cut-in Talk: remarks between on-screen characters

Compensation whenever taken in the wake of giving a scene of protection to the creator

The circulation of copyright salary is in accordance with the development of the record

Activity Viewer for perusers. Crypto-Actor Change highlight!


Imaginative expert devices for making/conveying video contents, web kid's shows, web books, and intelligent stories

Delineation download highlight for artist adaptation

Creation advance, the most recent varieties in commitments, and story development outlines

Gathering understandings between colleagues (interpreters, artists, acoustics, collaborators), NDA Smart Copyright assurance, written falsification location

Brilliant contracts made ahead of time – the agreement format revenue driven sharing depends on the commitment rate


Fund video creation/distributing

The history of IP exchanging through development diagrams, estimated by members' commitments

Entryway, a novice essayist through the Menu Contest

Dispersion and count of coupons dependent on digital currencies


Star Stori: a menu for expert scholars

Open Stori: a menu for making social chronicles of each one of the individuals who offer stories with their accounts.

Stori Contesting: aggressive menu for beginner journalists and powerful advertisers

Stori Trading: Shopping and Sales Menu with Intellectual Property Stories

Stori Funding: a menu for pledge drives to create extra works, for example, films, web kid's shows, and so on.

Storichain highlight


upgraded for makers

Cooperation/joint account/contract between creators, week by week repayment and API for outsider challenge supplier organizations


Whenever, anyplace you need to recount to a story.

Straightforward and quick composition stage.

Applicable accomplices

Creator Compliance/Collaboration Agreement/Job Statistics/Renewal Notifications/Making Commission Details

Profound support

A stage for crafted by perusers, turning into an author himself, making stories and taking part in them


Stage that supports reasonable and straightforward members dependent on their information.

Stage worldwide

Worldwide stage that can be interpreted, sold, or even ensured by copyright for worldwide extension







AUTHOR: cavase12
BITCOINTALK LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1122685
ETH ADRESS: 0x9288CA843E6A6Ca3f4b4DE35376858DFbD06d6B7

0.267 GOLOS
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