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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Orichalcos ICO

Over the past few years, the cryptocurrency market has increased significantly. At the moment, it capitalization amounts to several billion US dollars. Thanks to virtual currencies in recent years, a huge number of millionaires. That is why many investors seek to use the cryptocurrency market to maximize profits. Despite all the technology of the world, it is still not devoid of any defects and problems. Every day, different people are working to solve existing problems. And the most interesting thing is that these problems also do not bypass the new and rapidly developing Blockchain technology.

At first glance it may seem that the problems are not so much but in fact they are not so little. Every time there is a new cryptocurrency, its developers have a number of difficulties in implementing it on any exchange. Since there is already a Protocol which is not only necessary but also very expensive. But fortunately, progress does not stand still and today we have the opportunity to talk about such a project, which intends to solve all the blockchain problems. Called this project Orichalcos.

What is Orichalcos?

Orichalcos is a private blockchain platform that can be used in areas requiring asset management. Orichalcos has double chains which make it very fast. Fast enough to deal with large suppliers and consumers while remaining committed to decentralization.

How does Orichalcos work?

The Orichalcos system works with ORIC Stone which will promote the game by consuming in-trade items and various in-game content. In addition, it can be exchanged for an ORIC token which is a cryptocurrency. Game data will be archived and provided to each user, which will save the history of the game and serve as a bridge between the past and the present.


Orichalcos provides profits based on the use of different services.
Users can create and deliver photos of music and messages that can be used as stock photos for rewards.
User-created assets can be auctioned on this platform.
The user can expand their network and get incentives through the platform.

Orichalcos provides a solution for your project instantly.
Provide an integrated environment with community, social media, and user technologies.
Orichalcos also provides accurate user intelligence.
Additional technical support is available for developers and publishers on Orichalcos.

Sangho Kim, PhD. - CEO and founder

He was Director of supercomputer development at KISTI state funded National Institute, former CEO of KESPER Inc. That system technical Director ZION Linux, Vice-President Crowngames and Innogrid Inc. Now he is the founder and CEO of Orichalcos Foundation, Advisor Edenchain Partners Inc. and Encrypt Exchange. He has over 20 years experience in HPC and Supercomputing, Cloud Computing, BigData, AI, Linux, decryption systems, software development and has implemented many government projects released by the government.

Jae Hoon Kim - CSO and co-founder

Former CEO of GFew Interface Inc, a web Agency. Former senior Director, strategic business division, Hancom Inc. (PLC.). Former chief operating officer, entertainment and technology company Prime Entertainment Inc. (PLC). General Director of the company for the creation and distribution of digital content based on the company's SNS Crepot Inc. As an entrepreneur and CEO with over 20 years under his belt, he has extensive experience in several positions (e.g. planning, development, marketing, strategy, investment and incubation, mergers and acquisitions, etc.) in the it industry.

Hyun Chul Ryu - CPD and co-founder

Hyun Chul is a game planning expert who has over 15 years of experience as a PD. As a veteran of the Korean gaming industry, he leads teams in small and large companies such as Lizard Interactive, NC Soft, Smile Gate and WeMade. In his first company, LIzard Interactive, he achieved a 70-fold revenue growth using an innovative F2P business model that is ahead of its time and is now widely adapted. Since then, Hyun Chul has consistently achieved success in its pay-to-use model through in-game content customization for Cronos and Cross Fire among other titles.


At the end of my review I would like to note the high level of preparation of this project. Game developers can upload their games to this platform of the future where there will be generations of gamers. Be a part of the Orichalcos platform and let's make Gaming something more than just Gaming.

Website: http://orichalcos.io
Whitepaper: http://orichalcos.io/wp-content/themes/oric/pdf/20180907-Orichalcos-Technical-Paper_v1.0.6_en.pdf
Medium: https://medium.com/@orichalcos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OrichalcosOrg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Orichalcos-239406276641957

Proof of authentication / author Bounty0x username: aleksandrsereda

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