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Completing Quest and get Paid using Aquest App

A task is any job or assignment that can be completed in due time. The tasks that can be completed vary widely in nature (writing, editing, taking surveys, transcription, watching a video, online research, etc.) as does the pay.
We are in an era of the Internet and the expansive growth of technology around it, more and more projects are trying to revolutionize the market and business. Blockchain technology brings revolution and changes the existing established practices and operations very quickly. Revolutionaries gather in teams and create crypto startups that will change our worldview as we know it.One of these revolutionary projects is AQUEST a unique decentralized app that pays you for completing a certain task. Simple as that. aQuest offers its creators to create marketing campaigns that focus on rewarding its participants. Participants to a quest are required to finish a task in order to be eligible for a reward payment at the end of a quest. A task is a digitally verified action that a user is required to complete in order to successfully participate to a quest.

Aquest, will furnish shoppers with the chance to share their own data, advance exchange marks and get a money-related reward. The aQuest thought is to make a chance to make showcasing efforts went for compensating its individuals. Mission members must total the assignment so as to be qualified for a reward toward the finish of the journey. An undertaking is an advanced activity that a client must total so as to effectively take part in a mission. Aquest application encourages every member to make missions with imaginative and natural cloud devices. These instruments are accessible from all gadgets. Hence, overseeing and making journeys is basic and can be performed from anyplace. All missions incorporate with Enkronos applications and help make a pool of clients. Missions are an incredible method to help make a client pool in Enkronos applications, while your gathering of clients is being made, you can include similar clients in different applications that are gone for enhancing client connection with your image.

The primary motivation behind the aquest designers is to furnish business visionaries with the chance to make powerful showcasing organizations with the capacity to remunerate shoppers for the information gave. Aquest is a decentralized application with a natural and basic interface that permits entrepreneurs and substantial organizations to make different assignments for clients and purchasers so as to get profitable data and advance their own image.

This application will, for the most part, be utilized by the accompanying classifications:

pharmaceutical organization
retail delegates
acclaimed brand
makers of ICO
money related administrations division
For finishing missions with the assistance of Aquest, every customer will get a reward as interior coins of the Platform or tokens determined by the makers of undertakings.

Among the principle errands that can be displayed inside the application Aquest, ought to be featured

visiting a particular connection
finishing review
application establishment
look for articles in increased reality
repost sections in interpersonal organizations
buy into a gathering or channel
Note that all undertakings made by business people are incorporated into the utilization of the Enkronos framework and enable you to make a particular customer base. Later on, every one of the entrepreneurs will almost certainly pull in these clients to new errands of accomplices, which are likewise gone for expanding the prevalence of their items.

Among the fundamental focal points of Aquest

The abnormal state of security given by the Enkronos application stack in the blend with smart contracts.
accessibility, suggesting the likelihood of finishing missions without passing KYC and without provincial confinements.
deserving of remuneration.
the capacity to utilize cell phones to finish missions.
It is imperative to take note of that even ICO can utilize this application so as to expand the attention to your venture. In the meantime, as a reward, they can give their own tokens expected to Airdrop.

The fundamental methods for the stage will be the coins AQU, which will be utilized by business visionaries and proprietors of organizations to make different assignments. In the event that fundamental, inside the system of the stage, these coins can be changed over into ENK tokens, which can likewise be utilized to make errands.

AQU will be the native token on the aQuest platform. This token will be a token on the Ethereum blockchain following the ERC20 token standard. For the real execution of the AQU token, Enkronos has built up a brilliant contract that will be freely consultable on its Github before any period of Token deal will begin. There will be no changes to the agreement so any invested individual can have full trust in the AQU token. AQU will be made before the Token Generation Event (“TGE”), and they will be topped. The underlying cost is set as distributed on our TGE site https://aquest.io. 200 million AQU tokens made. 72,2 million specifically sold to people in general. Token supply is settled, we make prompt deflationary cash that is destined to be as important as their developing network.

The essential piece of aQuest Platform is the manner by which AQU tokens are utilized to fabricate the flow of the cash and make free market activity systems. AQU will be utilized inside the Crowd holding stage, yet they won’t be constrained by the stage later on.

AQU tokens can be utilized in the accompanying routes on the stage:

Fuel for the publicly supporting and crowdfunding forms on the platform.
For Businesses
Payment for aQuest use.
For Supporters
Investing tokens into organizations on the stage.
purchasing things/benefits on the posse holding business focus with tokens.
Crowd holding rewards paid in AQU tokens paid relatively to all holders.

Token Distribution

The underlying issue of AQU tokens is customized by a smart contract and will be done in the accompanying request:

  • Bounties (2%) — Bounty crusade advancement
  • AQU hold (10%) — Allocation for unforeseeable costs (10%). They need to have the store of AQU that would be just used to illuminate the token-threatening circumstances. Every one of Aquest wallets will be auditable by means of an openly shared location.
  • Locked for sometime later (33,89%) — Kept as a hold for future development (33,89%). To be used for future associations or acquisitions.
  • Team and specialists (18%) — Allocated to the present and future group
  • individuals (6%), originators (6%) guides and specialists (6%).
  • Pre-Sale and Public Sale (36,11%) — Crowdsale (36,11%) The achievement limit is 1 million USD (Soft Cap). Hard Cap will be of 39 million USD.
  • If the insignificant measure of Soft Cap won’t be reach amid the TGE at that point any invested individual will probably resign their apport and will be repaid.


The fundamental focal point of costs will be on the specialized advancement of the Platform. In any case, advertising and deals will be designated a developing significance, as the accomplishment of the stage relies upon drawing in the correct supporters and organizations through various paid promoting strategies. Different costs incorporate paying for IT framework, lease, licenses, and trademarks. Enkronos will be income positive not long after the dispatch and will use the extra money to help worldwide development and an opening of new areas.

  • Development: Application and web-stage advancement, specialized advancements. Chiefly devoted to the extension of new applications also, business fragments in “Enkronos Apps”.
  • Internal Business: Business advancement and Employment contract/compensation.
  • Integration: An overall joining of the stage
  • Advertising and PR. Inc. Promoting: This section will be vital especially to enter diverse worldwide markets and dispatch single applications.
  • Legal: Put aside if there should be an occurrence of any legitimate issues that emerge.
  • IT and Admin: Servers, Infrastructure, and administrator.


Token name: AQU
Pre ICO price: 0.003 ETH
Price ICO: 0.006 ETH
Platform: Ethereum
Soft cap: $ 1 Million
Hard cap: $ 39 Million
Pre ICO: 2019–01–24 to 2019–02–21
ICO: 2019–02–25 to 2019–04–09

Rewards in each AQU sale phase Purchasers for the private deal will have a half rebate, the limited cost will at that point be 1 AQU = 0,003 ETH. This does exclude bounty holders, so as to ensure the AQU esteem for financial specialists. In any case, Bounty will proceed as arranged until they come to the 2% as appeared on their dispersion breakdown.

Purchasers for pre-deal will get a 30% reward limited cost will at that point be 1 AQU= 0,0042 ETH. This does exclude bounty holders, so as to ensure the AQU esteem for financial specialists. Nonetheless, abundance will proceed as arranged until we reach 5% as appeared on our AQU conveyance breakdown. On the off chance that with limits will surpass 51%, AQU tokens expected in the Reserve dispersion will be relatively decreased.




Website: https://www.aquest.io/
White Paper: https://www.aquest.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/aQuest-Whitepaper-1.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/aQuest_io
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aquest.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aQuest_app
Bounty Thread: https : //bitcointalk.org/index.php? topic = 5100051.0
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5094638
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/aquest_app/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aquest-io
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aQuest_app
Github: https://github.com/enkronos/AquestToken

BountyOX Username: Brainerdpaul

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