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5 лет назад

INEL COMPANY - The Crowdfunding Platform for Collective Investment in Real Estate

Real estate is one of the most sought after assets for individuals and companies alike. It is typically seen as an investment for wealthy people and as it requires a considerable amount of capital to obtain. From a pure investment standpoint, real estate is the best way to safeguard your money as stocks and bonds may fall, but people need a place to live. Rare incidents occur, like the 2008 sub-prime housing crisis, where house prices fall by nearly 50%, but the housing market doesn’t see ‘corrections’ the way stock markets do. This is because of a strong psychological phenomena; real estate is tangible.
Despite any behavioral anomalies, real estate is one of the safest investment products.
Several industries have lately discovered the sheer amount of positive utility the blockchain technology into their space. One of those industries happens to be the real estate industry. Real estate remains the largest asset class in the world.

The influx of people into the cryptocurrency market has made an astronomical rise in the adoption of blockchain technology. Numerous supporters, investors from different field of professions and businesses around the world have embraced new technological innovation which has helped reshape the world. Basically the rise of cryptocurrency and subsequent attention brought to blockchain technology has prompted nearly every industry to evaluate the benefits of integrating the technology into their operations One firm at the forefront of this innovation is INEL.


INEL Company is the first international blockchain real estate company with open and secure opportunities for collective investment in real estate. The company's goal is to create and simplify conditions for investing in residential and commercial real estate for all comers around the world.

The INEL platform provides a wide range of investment tools not only for its partners, but also for small investors.

Project investors get the opportunity to purchase residential and commercial real estate on favorable terms and take part in their management: to lease land, houses, offices, apartments, etc.

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One of INEL's main goals is to automate the market, including eliminating unnecessary costs for contractors and brokers, speeding up transaction processes, ensuring their transparency and stability, and eliminating paperwork.

The main goal of the INEL company is to provide investors at every level with different methods for quick and reliable investment and high returns.

The real estate market is very complex. The reason for this is that it always affects several stakeholders, large sums of money, specialists in various areas, contracts, laws. Therefore, a large number of companies, start-ups, individuals and even government institutions are turning to new solutions, one of which is blockchain tokenization.


  • Land Conflicts
    Land conflicts are a critical issue in many developing countries. Incorrect documents, damaged documents and corruption cause complex disputes about property and do not allow the use of land.

Blockchain-based smart contracts offer a new alternative for registering land rights. Moving all documentation to a decentralized and secure registry can be the most efficient way to manage and own land, help avoid disputes, and ensure that records are not changed or lost.

  • Data Collection and Comprehensive Verification
    It is well known that it is difficult and expensive for real estate companies to check all the important details of real estate before renting or acquiring.

By providing the ability to store all building data, such as repair records or floor plans, in a digital and safe place, blockchain can significantly help investors carefully check all the details of the property. This technology can even be used to track the movement of building materials throughout the life cycle of a building, from the factory to the demolition and disposal of parts, which makes it easier to track the origin, quality and age of each part.

  • Investments
    One of the main disadvantages of real estate as an asset is its low liquidity. Transferring ownership of the blockchain book, dividing it into small fractions, and ensuring the availability of digital fractions in the form of tokens (i.e. tokenization) creates a new way for investing in real estate. This allows owners to sell their shares on the open market without the need to sell property. Thus, tokenization also helps with another shortcoming of real estate: a high threshold for investment for small market participants.

  • Project Management
    When we think about the transition of the real estate investment market to the digital realm and the codification of agreements in smart contracts, the first question we ask is land ownership and transfer agreements. However, even with complex issues such as project management, you can manage it through the blockchain.

Think of the project as a long list of deals between different parties. These transactions may constitute any type of agreement regarding the steps, payments, or goals achieved. All transactions can be encoded into a series of smart contracts that can be automatically executed after each specific step.

  • Financing
    If you have taken a mortgage at least once in your life, you probably know that this is a complex process. The average size of a mortgage application is 500 pages and takes from 30 to 60 days. Blockchain technology reduces the need to rely on paper and individual communication lines, saving not only money but also time. Such elimination of intermediation will benefit not only borrowers, but also those financial institutions that can offer more competitive conditions for a more economical lending process.

  • Property Management and Rental
    Blockchain technology offers management and service companies new ways to track user information and improve customer service. Smart contracts are structured for automatic rental payments, and you can even anticipate that property management fees can be automatically calculated and levied using data from IoT devices and utility bills.

  • Buying a Property
    In recent years, real estate investment has grown by several hundred billion dollars. As investment grew, international buyers needed to avoid fraudulent transactions and act in a transparent environment.


The INEL project aims to simplify the process of buying, selling and renting real estate in the domestic and international markets through smart contracts. INEL plan to create a market consisting of a platform for listing objects and a platform with transactions for exchanging documents that do not need third-party agents to process transactions.

The main applications of blockchain technologies on the INEL platform are:

Real estate for rent through online services.
Buying and selling real estate without intermediaries.
Real estate investment.
Valuation of property.
Redevelopment of real estate.


The interaction of all these elements allows INEL COMPANY to exclude all unnecessary intermediaries, as well as to avoid unnecessary hidden fees. At the same time, comply with a high level of trust and quality assurance of the transactions. After all, blockchain technology with its smart contracts and internal system tokens will monitor all internal processes.

The accessible functionality of INEL COMPANY allows everyone to plunge into the world of decent earnings related to the real estate market. To purchase and sell any real estate, wherever you are located geographically. The decentralized structure of INEL COMPANY does not belong to any country in the world, which means it opens up unlimited access to its use anywhere in the world.

The investor’s easy-to-use personal account is in a hurry to supplement the existing list of advantages, with the help of which the user can not only familiarize himself with any of the proposed options for real estate from INEL COMPANY, but also offer his real estate for purchase to other investors.

About The INEL Token

All transactions within the INEL COMPANY will occur because of the internal token of the INL system. Which will be developed based on the Ethereum protocol according to the ERC-20 type. A total supply of 10 billion units. The percentage of which will look as follows.


The main feature of which will be in your equity participation INEL COMPANY. The issue of this kind of token will be limited and presented in the total amount of only 100 thousand tokens. Of which only 70% will be available to investors. The rest of the coins will be distributed between the team of founders and their partners.


Website: https://inel.company/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/INELCompanyRU
Twitter: https://twitter.com/INEL_company
https: // twitter .com / inelcompany
Telegram: Telegram RU - https://t.me/inelcompany
Telegram ENG - https://t.me/inelcompany_eng
Chat RU - https://t.me/inelcompanychat
Chat ENG - https: // t .me / inelcompany_chat_eng
Medium: https://medium.com/@inelcompanyeng
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inelcompany/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/INEL_company
https: // www .reddit.com / r / INEL_Company / new /
VK group: https://vk.com/inelcompany

Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409
My Referral Link: http://t.me/INEL_bot?start=295579633

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