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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Justify is a Boss! Best Ever?

Justify won the Belmont Stakes today making him only the 13th Tripple Crown Winner in racing history. Man, what a race! Most times in history the horse who won the Preakness & Kentucky Derby just didn’t have enough gas left in the tank for the long endurance race like the Belmont. Justify won easy by 1 3/4 length to complete an accomplishment so rare amongst race horses, it was fun to watch live because you may never see it happen again.
Can you believe the cost of these animals and the all-in investment it takes once your purchase them? Justify was bought for 500K but, the vet bills, training and facilities, food along with travel expenses has to be absolutely massive. His total winnings are now just shy of 4M which in not a crazy amount of money considering the risk/reward investment you must make. Don’t feel sorry for the horse owners though.....the show fees, breeding and other endorsements make the 4M total race earnings look like chump change.
It’s the sport of Kings but in reality these animals get treated like kings and they are born to run like the wind. Every step of a prized race horses life is completely calculated and every precaution of safety and handeling one of these elite athletes is well thought out in advance. There is no room for error in the racing business....no matter what your racing! Owner Bob Baffert is a horse breeder, trainer and racing legend. His last prize horse American Pharoah also won the Tripple Crown of racing but, I imagine as in football or any sport, the last victory is the sweetest.
Looking into this horses eyes you can just see the fire and confidence he knows he has to win. Horses like this one don’t come around very often but when they do, they are never forgotten. His racing days are over and from here forward he will live a life of luxury that most living animals will never know. Congratulations Justify and Bob Baffert on a very tough accomplishment at any level of sport!

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