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5 лет назад

HARMONY : Open Consensus for 10 Billion People.

Hello friends all are still with me Budiman. This time I will provide information about a very
interesting project for you to see, in a new cryptocurrency named Harmony. Before heading into the discussion I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future.

As far as we know, the further development potential of blockchain technology depends entirely on how widespread it will be in the world among people. The sharply increased popularity of Bitcoin in the winter of 2018, due to the growth of speculative interest around this asset, made a good advertisement for the entire blockchain technology and attracted the attention of the public around the world. About bitcoin talked wherever possible. But now bitcoin as well as other digital assets are gradually fading into the background and it is the technology of block chains and its practical application in real life that is beginning to interest people.

Today one of the most widely used cryptocurrencies are still Bitcoin and Ethereum, but their practical use is questionable, since these assets are not suitable for mass use, that is, to carry out a large number of transactions per unit of time in these networks is not yet possible. Today, they are used solely for the sake of speculative interest, but for the mass introduction of technology in the real sectors of the economy need new developments that can not lose productivity with increasing throughput.

I believe that more than $ 200 billion of speculative interest is an excessively high price to pay for technologies that have failed to implement free-scale transactions in 10 years. According to V. Buterin's scalability trilemma, any blockchain can have only 2 of 3 main characteristics, it is either high scalability, decentralization or security. To this day, blockchain projects constantly had to sacrifice one of the indicators in favor of the other two. With the growth of the ecosystem and the number of users, Bitcoin and Ethereum have problems, hence the limited speed of 3 and 12 transactions per second, respectively. But the solution was found! In this article, we consider a project that can finally solve the problem of scalability without sacrificing the indicators of decentralization and security.

Harmony – positions itself as a new generation blockchain, the main feature of which is the eradication of all the problems accumulated over a decade, preventing the further development of the technology. This company intends to combine all the advantages of blockchain developments of recent years in a single ecosystem and make a real breakthrough in the blockchain industry.

Harmony creates an infrastructure with the highest possible network bandwidth, low latency and minimum Commission. All this is aimed at creating an economy of the future, which will be qualitatively different from the traditional financial system.

The Harmony Protocol uses design principles such as segmentation and pipelining for parallel transaction processing. Thanks to these solutions, users will not have any problems with connection delays, in addition, the network bandwidth will be able to scale according to the growth of the ecosystem, that is, the scalability trilemma will be solved and the blockchain technology will finally be widely used in real sectors of the economy. This will give a powerful impetus to both the blockchain technology itself and the entire world economy, it will modernize our world.

To solve the tasks Harmony uses innovative sharding technology. For those who do not know, it is, to put it simply, parallel processing of transactions. And the concept of sharding in HARMONY is used at all levels of the network, so transactions will fly at the speed of light.


The project team consists exclusively of professionals of the highest level, among which there are engineers from such world-famous companies as Google,Apple, and Amazon. There are also doctors of science, in General, the team impressed me very much.

Harmony network is already functioning, the source code is freely available. The test network has been launched, and the mainnet is planned to be launched in Q2 2019. It can be seen that the team is really working on the product, and not just writing beautiful fairy tales in white paper. In the last test we managed to reach a speed of 114 000 TPS. This figure justifies the positioning of the company as an infrastructure for 10 billion people. In the future, this decentralized and fast network with minimal commissions can be used in absolutely all sectors, including the economy, education and medicine.

The project has a number of advantages that give it high competitiveness and distinguish it from other blockchain projects:

  • limitless scalability metrics;
  • maximum security and decentralization;
  • high-speed Protocol consensus;
  • adaptive threshold POS, eliminating fraud.

Harmony Roadmap 2018 - 2019

Harmony of good and reliable partners:


Harmony implements a really powerful idea that is able to fully modernize not only the development of blockchain technology, but also our entire world. Using the innovative HARMONY network with almost limitless ability to scale, while maintaining a high speed of transaction processing is possible in absolutely any industry - this is what the entire global crypto community has been waiting for for many years. The project has a highly qualified team, reliable partners, working product and funds for the implementation of all its remaining tasks. In General, the project is very interesting, for more detailed information you can follow the links below.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the Harmony project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join Harmony social media today please follow these resources:

SITE: https://harmony.one
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/harmony_one
WP: https://harmony.one/whitepaper.pdf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/harmonyprotocol
MENENGAH: https://medium.com/harmony-one
DISCORD: https://harmony.one/discord
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/harmony-protocol/
GITHUB: https://github.com/harmony-one

Username : 378budiman
BEP Wallet address : bnb1vml30hufyvjqne2g7ga5pphlgtljeusxlek8x8

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