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6 лет назад

OPU Labs

Today we are going to take a look at very interesting ICO called OPU Labs and see what it is that makes it so interesting?

Opu Labs' mission is to improve how the global skincare industry exchanges data, information, and rewards in a way that benefits patients, dermatologists, treatment centers, brand specialists, and product manufacturers. To make that happen, we're building a suite of blockchain-based technology platforms - starting with a mobile skincare app - and a token-based ecosystem that will reward its users.

Opu Coin & Our Token Ecosystem

Our value-driven ecosystem is underpinned by our native Ethereum-backed token - the Opu Coin (OPU). These are tokens given to anyone who makes a valuable contribution to our suite of platforms. Say a customer submits their skincare data to our AI (Artificial Intelligence) platform, or signs up for a dermatologist's clinical trial, or a new skincare brand wants to use decentralized data to find a user group for a new product. OPU will become their standard payment method.

In these scenarios, and many others, the exchange of information will enable improvements in skincare health. As our community grows, and more people join our platforms, the greater OPU's usage becomes. This means our tokens will be in demand, so now is the perfect time to get involved.

Our Technology: 5 Core Services
1.Opu AI
Machine learning technology that analyzes, compares and recommends treatment solutions.

2.Opu Search
A search platform that provides treatment information from consumer skincare service providers and eCommerce partners.

3.Opu Coin
Ethereum crypto coins for use in our marketplace powered by federated product search offering the most comprehensive skincare solutions catalog available in any market.

4.Opu Connect
Get advice from other users in the community all the way to doctors and specialists.

5.Opu CRM
Free CRM (customer retention management) for doctors and service providers with patient
notes, annotations, and mobile history.


Token symbol: OPU
Platform: Ethereum
Soft Cap: $3M
Hard Cap: $37M


Official OPU Labs contacts:
Author's BTT profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1614962
BTT username: creat!ve
ETH address: 0x40eFeDc28e7a12dC02006c7b735d8D1260A005C8

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