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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Today we are going to look at very interesting ICO called Treon.

What is Treon?
Treon is a token based mobile dashboard and wallet solution for utility bill payments, specially designed for the billions of customers using public utilities to settle their bills using blockchain smart contract technology. Treon is a new form of private, instant, verified and reliable transaction.

Treon is focused on providing an exciting value-added service that will simplify the utility management and payment process like never before: consumers will effect their payments instantly using a simple consolidated dashboard.

Aims and perspectives
Treon aims to become the new “Utilities Money” to transact on and off utility networks. We envision a world where banked and unbanked consumers are equally enjoying the convenience and security of knowing and paying for what they used from minutes of voice calls, gigabytes of data, kilowatts of electricity, thermal units of natural gas, or gallons of potable water. All from one online and consolidated dashboard running on their smartphones and paying for such usage using the currency of their choice — crypto or fiat — by few simple clicks. Treon team designed a robust and unique digital platform, smartphone app and a wallet to enable customers to manage their services from one place with utility providers and pay for their usage through a consolidated application, which is connected to each provider through open and secure interfaces. In addition, to grow this new ecosystem, Treon will reward customers every time they use Treon tokens (TXO) to top-up their utility accounts or settle their utility bills

Treon Token

Treon Token (TXO) will be based on the TPP ecosystem. The TXO token is the payment mechanism for utilities adopting Treon Payment Protocol (TPP). It will initially build on the ERC20 standard interface but will extend the money transfer process so that advanced payment methods can be utilities. The TXO token is designed to be different from current cryptocurrencies as it will allow comprehensive all-in-one billing mechanism to be implemented in a flexible way.

Token Symbol: TXO
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 Billion
Allocation: 429.7 Million
Soft Cap: 4 Million USD
Hard cap: 25 Million USD
Currency: ETH, BTC

Market Opportunity
Over 5.0 billion people around the globe are advanced mobile users. It has become the single most important lifeline to connect, conduct business, entertain, buy & sell and pay through the course of our daily lives.

Treon will use the mobile phone as the bridge for customers to harness the power of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. According to the World Bank and GSMA, 3.8 billions of all global mobile users are unbanked. Treon token (TXO) aims to bridge the digital divide for the unbanked, giving them opportunities to participate in the ever-growing online space.

The real opportunity of this fast-moving digital economy is yet to be fully explored across the different utility sectors. The growth and market potential are in the trillions of US dollars across telecom, electricity, natural gas, green energy and water sectors.

Treon (TXO) is poised to seize scalable and sustainable growth opportunities in these sectors over the next 5 years.

Official Contacts:

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3403731.msg35625366

Website: https://www.treon.io

Whitepaper: https://www.treon.io/data/Treon-WhitePaper-v2.0-02072018.pdf

Treon’s Team: https://www.treon.io/#team-wrap

BTT author’s profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1614962

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На Golos с June 2018
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