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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


ZANTEPAY is the cryptocurrency multi wallet integrated with debit card; it allows you to store, manage and spend your digital assets anytime anywhere.

Problems & Solutions
There are three major problems crypto community is facing right now:

1.Integrating the digital currency world and the world of traditional finances
2.Expensive exchange fees
3.Digital assets are not by default inheritable.

ZANTEPAY offers solutions:

1.With ZANTEPAY pre-paid card user can spend their BTC, ETH, LTC and ZNX (more crypto currencies to come) anytime, anywhere
2.ZANTEPAY is working towards better (cheaper) exchange fees for the customers.
3.ZANTEPAY wallet will allow naming one beneficiary in case of account owner ´s death

We aim to become the biggest crypto currency wallet in the world. Our marketing strategy is to bring everyone onboard, offering FREE pre paid card. Other perks for the customers include bounty, referral, affiliate and cashback reward. ZANTEPAY is aiming to reach 1mio customers by the end of 2019. According to EY’s FinTech Adoption Index, the adoption of FinTech as providers of money transfer and payment services rose from 18% in 2015 to 50% in 2017, with 65% of consumers anticipating they would use such services at some point in future

Zantepay products
1.ZANTEPAY DECENTRALIZED WALLET is the core product that lays as the foundation to all existing fee-generating services. We will offer a hosted cryptocurrency multi wallet (BTC, LTC, ETH, ZNX support, more cryptocurrencies will be added at the later stage), integrated simple exchange services and smart-contract based inheritance feature.

2.ZANTEPAY ONLINE WALLET will allow integration with pre-paid card. You will be able to spend your digital assets anytime, anywhere.

3.ZANTEPAY PRE-PAID CARD is going to be launched in late 2018, to become one of the fastest penetrating digital currency cards on the market. It will allow any BTC, LTC, ETH, ZNX crypto currency holder to spend their coins, online or otherwise, anywhere that accepts traditional payment cards. This, paired with the digital wallet, allows users to utilize their crypto currency in day-to-day life. ZANTEPAY will act as an intermediary that links the card issuer, the ZANTEPAY wallet, compliance services and the crypto exchange. ZANTEPAY allows users to have a single point of access to the complex financial and technical infrastructure in a user-friendly way.

Product Development Schedule
First and foremost we are focusing on product development. To get the wallet ready, one by one adding new crypto currencies and offering a card. Providing transaction deposit in both fiat and crypto currencies is the biggest budget article for us. Product development requires getting our infrastructure in place, setting up an office and providing our developers with a creative workspace. To achieve our goal, reaching 1 mln customers in 2019, marketing would be our next important expense article.

Distribution Structure

Purchasing ZNX Tokens
Each ZNX token will be sold at a fixed price in ETH. ZNX tokens will be available for purchase in the ICO participant personal account. The user will be able to see the addresses and QR codes of various crypto currency wallets to which he/she can send funds to purchase tokens. Information on the total amount of tokens purchased, the ICO schedule, token cap, and the percentage of the total amount of tokens sold will also be available in the ICO participant personal account

Official Contacts of Zantepay team:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zantepay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZANTEPAY
Telegram: http://telegram.me/zantepay
Whitepaper: https://zantepay.com/storage/Zantepay_Whitepaper.pdf
Website: https://zantepay.com/

Author’s BTT profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1614962

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На Golos с June 2018
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