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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

What about the comparison of existed miners with multi-miner Papa Carlo?

How many miners do you know? Two? Three? Are they ideal, on your opinion?

So, one of the main feature that is important for those people who are ready to buy miner and to mine is the hash-rate of miner. For example, Antiminer S9 has the capacity of 13,5 Th/s, Antiminer S15 - 24 Th/s. Is that enough for effective mining? It’s up to you. But Papa Carlo has the capacity of 26 Th/s.

All miners, that exist now, consist of 3 boards. But the number of chips are different. Antiminer S9 and S15 have 189 chips per 3 boards.The developers of Papa Carlo give the opportunity to upgrade miner up to 210 chips. No another miner in the world has such advantage.

What about energy efficiency? What if we say, that Papa Carlo requires less amount of energy to work - 0,065 J/Gh. In comparison with Antiminer S9 and S15, that require 0,1 J/Gh and 0,08 J/Gh.

The noiseless miner - is a dream. But, Papa Carlo has the level of noise only 35-45 dB. As for Antiminer S9 and S15, the level of noise during the work is 75-80 dB. It is twice times more than the noise level of Papa Carlo.

Before multi-miner Papa Carlo appeared, all miners had outdated air cooling system. But, Papa Carlo is the revolutionary one, because of innovative water cooling system.

More details of comparison with existed miners can be seen in the table below.

In addition, the mining becomes more and more known. Even when the situation on crypto market is not stable. This period is good for purchasing the miners because of the low price. And the complexity of mining decreases.

🙋‍♂️ Alexey Permyakov |CEO| Buratino BlockChain Solutions (t.me/AlexTrezor)
🙋‍♂️Alexander Evdokimov |CMO| Buratino BlockChain Solutions (t.me/SashaEx)
🙋‍♂️Evgeniy Svetlakov |Support| Buratino BlockChain Solutions (t.me/akan3t)

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