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5 лет назад

TLS group


The popularity of mining is constantly growing, despite the fact that the income from it every year becomes less and less. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, and in order to understand them, it is necessary to first understand what mining is in principle. Cryptocurrency mining – what it is in simple words Most cryptocurrencies are decentralized. This means that they do not use any one data center to process transactions, but many computers around the world. That is why they say that cryptocurrencies can not be regulated, because to block, for example, Bitcoin will need to block thousands of computers that are spread out in different countries on different continents, and are owned by independent members of the community. Everyone can become a part of the cryptocurrency network. To do this, it is enough to install a full-fledged wallet on your device. So called special SOFTWARE that allows you to make transfers and synchronized with the blockchain network, that is, with a complete register of all transactions. Computers that store the full blockchain of a network are called nodes, or nodes. Mining is the production of cryptocurrency. It occurs due to the fact that the system automatically rewards with new coins the node in the network that has recorded a new block in the transaction chain, that is, in the blockchain. The block consists of the main information (actually records of translations), a link to the previous block and the number "nonce". It is this number and you need to guess to collect a full block. "Nonce” is necessary in order to ensure the stability of the system. If it did not exist, blocks would be created too often, which would lead to absolute chaos in the network. But how exactly can you guess it? As simple as possible-the usual search. Miners pass through the hash function all the data that is in the block, adding to them the value "Nonce". The result must satisfy a certain range. The computer goes through all the variants of the number until it gets the value of the function in this range. Obviously, to iterate over a huge number of numbers and calculate the hash, you need a lot of computing power. They are just provided by miners, with the help of their expensive equipment. The miner who first picks up the desired number will be able to write the block to the chain. For this, he will receive a reward from the system + Commission set by users. This is how miners earn. On what to mine cryptocurrency? In 2018, there are several main options: mining on video cards video Cards (or GPU) are based on powerful GPUs, which can be used to calculate the hash function. They are most often used for mining currencies based on algorithms: SHA-256 Scrypt Ethash Equihash Bitcoin is an example of a currency on SHA-256. This is the very first hashing algorithm, which was used back in 2009, and in some blockchains it is still relevant. Scrypt is a simpler and less popular algorithm that, for example, Litecoin runs on. Video cards are now very expensive, so the investment will require quite large. On average, a good card costs from 50 000 to 100 000 rubles. Also, large costs will be spent on electricity, cooling, additional equipment and rent. To build a mining farm on video cards, you need to buy a separate computer, a special motherboard with the ability to connect several GPUs and take care of cooling in the room (this is very important, since the equipment can overheat and deteriorate). It is better to install video cards not in a standard computer case, but on a special design assembled with your own hands. In this case, the cooling will be much more efficient. Now mining on GPU is almost dead. The complexity of the network of most cryptocurrencies is so great that the income from the use of video cards will not be able to recoup even the costs of the farm. In 2018, this is definitely not the best business idea. Mining on ASIC miners ASIC is an abbreviation that translates from English as "special purpose integrated circuit". ASICs are devices that were created with one purpose-to mine cryptocurrency at maximum power with minimum energy consumption. Mining on ASICs can be profitable if you invest enough money, take care of natural cooling (especially important for the Northern regions) and cheap electricity. Such devices are very expensive, but the price is justified by a really large capacity. When buying ASIC, you need to look at what algorithm it is designed for. The most popular today are those that mine SHA-256, but there are models for Scrypt. ASIC is a standalone device that you just need to connect to the network. Some even have a pre-installed crypto wallet, which will automatically be credited with earned coins. Is it possible to mine cryptocurrency without mining? Possible if the currency is based on proof-of-stake. In this case, the main factor of earnings will not be the capacity of the node, as in proof-of-work, and the number of coins. That is, the more a node stores cryptocurrencies, the more it can mine. It is impossible to mine cryptocurrency without investment. Such a system, for example, is used in Waves. Users can give their tokens “for rent " to the miner so that he has a better chance to solve the block. For this, they, in turn, make a profit. Where to start mining cryptocurrency? First of all, you need to understand that the threshold of entry into mining today is very high. Large investments will be required. If you have the capital, you should start with finding good equipment at a bargain price. Most ASICs are produced in America, so it makes sense to think about cheap ways of transportation. The farm itself is better located in server regions, so that there is natural cooling. In order to usually rent a separate room, as to live in the same apartment with the equipment is impossible, because of the constant noise. And, of course, energy. It will take a lot of electricity. If the prices are high in the region, mining will not be profitable.image.png
The solution for profitable mining is the platform TLS group which I will tell you about later. Ah and you do please conclusions. And participate in sales, if you are interested.
TLC has made extra efforts to provide platform security as a top priority. Join the platform and become part of the changes that blockchain technology is making to the world as a whole.

Transparency. Information on the number of tokens of any user will be publicly provided, as well as information on transfers that can be tracked over time.
Possession. Only Ethereum users and contracts can be owners of tokens, and each token will belong to one user-holder without the possibility of joint ownership of tokens. The token can be transferred to another other user if there is a direct indication from its owner or the Recipient is directly authorized by the owner to this day. Another user cannot authorize the transfer of the token under any circumstances.
Supply of tokens. Only individuals have the right to issue tokens. These are contract workers and two company managers.
Contract management. If desired, the owner of the contract may waive ownership in favor of any other Ethereum or user of the contract. They can also suspend or resume the transfer of a token between holders at any time in case of suspicion of fraud in the actions of the holder.
Diverse. Any call to the contract that leads to an error does not change user tokens or the balance of the ether, but the maximum allowable number of circulating tokens can be set and limited. The smart contract also has a token recording function, where the remaining tokens after STO are burned.
Security features of the TLC platform.

Security: Investors can be confident in the security of their transactions and registration data at all stages.
Experience. The Transparency. Information on the number of tokens of any user will be publicly provided, as well as information on transfers that can be tracked over time.
Possession. Only Ethereum users and contracts can be owners of tokens, and each token will belong to one user-holder without the possibility of joint ownership of tokens. The token can be transferred to another other user if there is a direct indication from its owner or the Recipient is directly authorized by the owner to this day. Another user cannot authorize the transfer of the token under any circumstances.
Supply of tokens. Only individuals have the right to issue tokens. These are contract workers and two company managers.
Contract management. If desired, the owner of the contract may waive ownership in favor of any other Ethereum or user of the contract. They can also suspend or resume the transfer of a token between holders at any time in case of suspicion of fraud in the actions of the holder.
Diverse. Any call to the contract that leads to an error does not change user tokens or the balance of the ether, but the maximum allowable number of circulating tokens can be set and limited. The smart contract also has a token recording function, where the remaining tokens after STO are burned.
Security features of the TLC platform.

Security: Investors can be confident in the security of their transactions and registration data at all stages.
Experience. The TLC project is led by a group of people with extensive experience in relevant areas of legal, financial, technical and practical experience. With more than five years of experience in these areas, they devote all their energy to their daily work on the project.
Innovation The platform plans to use innovative technologies in the field of green energy and money management algorithms to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.
Support. You will get access to round-the-clock customer support from TLC managers, who will always be on standby to answer any of your questions. You can call them during the week, on weekends, and even at night if you need to clarify something.
The main parts of STO

TLS = $ 1.3
Soft Cap: $ 10,000,000
Hard Cap: $ 20,000,000
STO: 01.09 – 30.10

The project is very promising, has an idea and development potential. What they do is of great interest to partners, the development and creation of a product really needs to be implemented and used. Well, you must remember that investing in startups is still a risky activity, and of course it is very profitable. project is led by a group of people with extensive experience in relevant areas of legal, financial, technical and practical experience. With more than five years of experience in these areas, they devote all their energy to their daily work on the project.
Innovation The platform plans to use innovative technologies in the field of green energy and money management algorithms to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.
Support. You will get access to round-the-clock customer support from TLC managers, who will always be on standby to answer any of your questions. You can call them during the week, on weekends, and even at night if you need to clarify something.

Additional Information:

Website: https://tlsgroup.io

Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14TNLJNCi692T82mNXBlaooyB7KTtI6Qz/view

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5187473.0

Telegram: https://t.me/tlstoken

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TLSGroup1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tlstoken

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tls_group_llc


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