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С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

Quantum Hedge Fund is the best answer for putting resources into the future in digital currency


Many of the computerized design stages that exist today in the digital money industry are essentially the same as the exchange of securities around the world, so most of the trading components of profits between members cannot be distinguished from the guidelines Satisfactory inventory habits and electronic needs. This allows the utilization of manual and algorithmic techniques for executive resources in generally new conditions.

This is one of the main factors that have encouraged the increase in money related to different agencies that currently apply their mastery of the customary market in monitoring the cryptographic resources of money.

Quantum Hedge Fund was founded by a group of autonomous specialists in algorithmic and manual resources, executive engineering, along with perceived pros in the areas of improvement and organization of electronic frameworks with extensive experience of the related market Conventional money.

The critical center of activities of the IMF is to provide productive financial specialists to contribute to digital currency resources to create stable payments.

Innovation QHF

Quantum Blockchain

The greater part of the current advanced foundation and blockchain stages that we realize today utilize the elliptic-bend (ECC) way to deal with open key cryptography that capacities as the spine for security conventions and is the subject of quantum processing dangers, of late additionally alluded to as quantum strength.

**Contrast From Competitors **

The quantum innovation biological system comprises of three principle segments: Blockchain, QTM advanced token and agreement component. Quantum was one of the first blockchain stages to offer quantum-safe marks in both accord mechanics and token structures.

Not at all like the greater part of the other blockchain stages that exist that utilization the encryption strategy, known as the Merkle extended mark plot (XMSS). A proactive situation in keeping up the most significant level of security is among the essential standards of the QHF group, and as prove by the non-standard choice to lead two free advanced security reviews. All inclusive incorporated hub arranges all through the world will guarantee exchange proficiency in the system, matched with a Quantum Blockchain accord stage instrument that will empower accomplishing adequate exchange volumes to keep up Quantum installment stages at a focused level. The halfway affirmation approach will enable exchanges to arrive at their goal without requiring all hubs in the system to sign it.

**Quantum Security **

The Quantum Blockchain stage can give a significant level of execution for exchanges that must be completed on an enormous scale, just as give rapid exchange handling speeds that are required by the worldwide economy and which has become the standard today.

The Quantum Blockchain stage utilizes a coin-named structure and partitions installments into discrete streams that can be isolated with different coins, guaranteeing high security and privacy all through the computerized trade framework. This stage utilizes particular cryptography, is impervious to assaults done even by utilizing the intensity of quantum registering, in this way keeping away from the key security shortcomings of present day cryptographic devices. Additionally, money related exchanges with QTM tokens can be done effectively without spillage of metadata.

Itemized depictions of the Quantum Blockchain stage will be distributed in a specialized record that will be finished and discharged by the Quantum improvement group in Q4 2020. Portable applications for the iOS and Android stages will be accessible in Q4 2020 and will enable the primary clients to collaborate with the environment and test the usefulness of the Quantum stage Blockchain.


Challenge the issues of execution, security, and adaptability of the present age of blockchain innovation.

Gives extra pay chances to Quantum blockchain members.


Applying the most recent innovation patterns to amplify the effectiveness of our benefit the board arrangements, a solid proactive situation as for our security conventions and hazard the executives approaches, while keeping up stable execution, exceptional returns and greatest straightforwardness with our customers staying inside the extent of our center needs for fruitful development more from the Quantum people group!

**Store benefit **

Normal month to month benefit +16.15%

We accomplish the best hazard to-compensate proportion through a half and half resource the executives approach. We keep on observing the condition of our exchanging procedures and examine showcase information intently. We can make any market patterns advantageous for us. From month to month, our exhibition has stayed stable.

Venture procedure

The cryptographic money advertise is still in a functioning improvement stage and can give benefit potential above 500% consistently until 2023 for the individuals who put resources into computerized resources. In any case, high benefits are typically joined by high dangers.

The Quantum Hedge Fund utilizes a cross breed way to deal with resource the executives forms lessening potential dangers through significant level capital broadening.

The decision of explicit venture instruments is done with continuous manual and programmed investigation of the adequacy of the benefits being assessed and the general cryptographic money showcase.

Dana utilizes the Bitfinex and Bitmex trade stages for exchanging activities since this stage offers high liquidity, dependable client care, and a significant level of security, just as the capacity to expand the productivity of speculation basic leadership forms by giving similarity the Fund's product framework.

Like clockwork, the reserve customer gets a report on the gainfulness of activities performed for the announcing time frame.

Road Map QHF

**Team **

Our way of thinking is that individuals are the most significant in business. Behind each effective association is a gathering of exceptional, enthusiastic and dedicated people. Consistently experts who are perceived in their fields work in solid collaboration with each other to give the plausibility of extraordinary compared to other venture arrangements on the cryptographic money advertise.




#cryptocurrency #blockchain #decentralization #bounty

For more information about the Quantum project you can see the link I have listed below:

WEBSITE : https://quantumfund.ai/
WHITE PAPER : https://cdn.qtmf.ai/static/partner/docs/QuantumFund-WP-v2.pdf?v=201912051559
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/qhfofficial
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/qhfofficial
FB GROUP : https://www.facebook.com/qhfofficial
BOUNTY CHAT : https://t.me/QHFBounty
Username: Casini

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