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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - The Space is very beautiful but boring [REVIEW]

Call of Duty: Warfare Infinite is a video game with superb graphics, but it's unoriginal.


Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare был, несомненно, одним из самых спорных видеоигр года. Первый трейлер, выпущенный в тот же период с прицепом Battlefield, удалось стать одним из видео с неприятием большинства фильмов на YouTube, в то время как игра производства EA был засыпан похвалу со всех сторон.

Call of Duty: Warfare Infinite was undoubtedly one of the most controversial video games of the year. The first trailer, released in the same period with the trailer Battlefield, managed to become one of the videos with most dislike movies on YouTube, while the game produced by EA was bombarded with praise from all sides.

Introduction Call of Duty: Warfare Infinite

Я буду обращаться, прежде всего, к одной теме кампании игры, и я буду говорить позже о мультиплеере и других предметов. Я слышал много хороших вещей об одном элементе игрока. Многие хвалят кампанию и даже утверждают, что это было бы одним из лучших в истории франшизы. Извините, но я думаю, что любой, кто играл Служебный долг в последние годы, невозможно согласиться с этим утверждением. Современная серия Warfare была успешных кампаний. Мир в войне была успешной кампании. Black Ops была еще более интересная история, чем Бесконечной войны.

I will address, first, to the single player campaign theme of the game and I will talk later about multiplayer and other items. I heard many good things about the single player element. Many praise the campaign and even claim that this would be one of the best in franchise history. Sorry, but I think anyone who has played Call of Duty in recent years it is impossible to agree with this statement. Modern Warfare series has had successful campaigns. World at War had a successful campaign. Black Ops was even more interesting story than Infinite Warfare.

Действие происходит в далеком будущем. Учитывая, что Земля больше не могла обеспечить ресурсы людей, они начали колонизировать другие планеты. Со временем, однако, колонисты разработали свои собственные идентичности и использованием Расчетной организации обороны фронта (SDF) начали «войну за независимость» против тех, кто на земле, что я выиграл.

The action takes place in the distant future. Given that the Earth could no longer ensure people's resources, they began to colonize other planets. With time, however, the colonists developed their own identities and using the organization Settlement Defense Front (SDF) have started a "war of independence" against those on earth, that I have won.

Тем не менее, SDF не останавливается здесь. Со временем, государство становится все более милитаризованной, и его лидеры обратили свое внимание на Земле, во главе с UNSA. SDF хочет полностью уничтожить цивилизацию на Земле, так что вызвать неожиданное нападение. Это история, которая вызывает основное действие игры: война между Сато (военная ветвь UNSA) и SDF, чья основная планета Марс.

However, SDF is not stopped here. With time, the state has become increasingly militarized, and its leaders have turned their attention back on Earth, led by UNSA. SDF wants to completely destroy civilization on Earth, so that trigger a surprise attack. This is the story that triggers the main action of the game: the war between SATO (the military branch of the UNSA) and SDF, whose main planet is Mars.

Call of Duty: Warfare Infinite - Points Pro

Graphics is the main pro. From this perspective, Call of Duty: Warfare Infinite even the most beautiful game in the series. Many have criticized the graphics after publication of the first trailer, but Infinity Ward managed finally to address all issues. During the campaign, you will have the opportunity to travel on some of the plants in our solar system and their satellites and you can admire a series of views downright impressive.

The multiplayer is really fun, though not bring many things in addition to Black Ops 3. I am not a fan of RIG's, or exo-suit sites, but I'm glad that they have increased the speed and matches them make available players more options. Generally element Zombies multiplayer mode is very much resembled with those in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

Like the previous game, most maps impression that you have three color in which you can move towards opponents. Each map, but has some "kill-zone sites" where you will find most players and they have to be extremely careful. Killstreak sites are somewhat the same, except that we now have elements such as bombing space, instead of aircraft or explosives.

Users can choose one of six sites RIG (special combat equipment). Each has its own active and passive abilities during combat and multiplayer created in each class should include ten items (weapons, attachments, perks sites, grenades), as in Black Ops 3. As we used most players will be in the lobbies for Team Deathmatch, but you will have no problem finding mates for a game uplink(for example).

Uplink is my favorite way and one of the best developers introduced in recent years. Next to this, Infinity Ward has also included a called Defender, which in some respects resembles the Uplink. The only difference is that the player carrying drone will not have to reach into the enemy base, but will have to keep the device as long as possible to allow uploading of data and gain points.

I am aware that I, like many others, we sometimes tend to glorify the past. So I wonder: was so good even campaign in Modern Warfare? Maybe we'll look over the years at single from Infinity Warfare and we say it was a success? The answers, as far as I can tell, are yes and respectively no.

Call of Duty: Warfare Infinite - Conclusions

It's time for a conclusion, and the big question is the one we already know: deserves bought Call of Duty: Warfare Infinite, or not? As in the case of the new PS4 Pro, the answer is "dependent". If you're a fan of the series, the Legacy Edition is a must, since it gives access to both the new game and the Modern Warfare Remastered.

If, however, it is among those who do not appreciate how that has evolved in recent years Call of Duty and Battlefield own Titanfall 1 or 2 then worth waiting. Infinite Warfare campaign is far from being the most interesting and multiplayer does not offer many new things compared to Black Ops 3.

As I said, I appreciate the quick action of the multiplayer mode and the different strategies that you can adopt such grace. But my opinion is that the time has come for a radical change. Let's quit for now, to exo-suit sites at RIG's, spaceships and laser guns. Activision is time to look at the most successful games in the past, such as Modern Warfare II and produce something original and, above all, credible.

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