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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

DOGETHER — The Next-Gen Collaboration Platform for Software Development and beyond

If you are a developer, designer, marketer and have the skills and time needed, you can find projects on Dogezer to work on and have the opportunity to become a co-founder. This can multiply income multiple times from what you are currently earning. There are risks involved in that you will earn tokens which will only be bought-back when revenue is realised, but the rewards can be much greater and it could be a risk worth taking.

Dogezer is an innovative solution which connects idea authors and developers, designers, artists, salespersons and other individuals to collaborate on projects of their liking. Platform allows the project owner to launch his startup without the need to raise an investment, and for individual contributors it is a perfect opportunity to become co-founders of innovative startups.

Dogezer combines the power of blockchain and smartcontract to provide an ecosystem where people can engage with one another collaboratively to develop a software. Dogezer Platform is a Software as a Service solution which combines the functionality of Kickstarter, UpWork, GitHub, Slack, Jira, Google Docs, Dropbox and ICO analogues with a set of defined processes how these solutions relate to each other in a clear, transparent and predictable.

The Dogezer concept is simply defined as ‘Doing Software Together’. Dogezer has been established to help innovators birth their dreams with as much ease possible. Dogezer will be a connector for founders and the world of best software developing experts. It will help ensure that people are able to buy into project or start-up shares by virtue of the efforts they put in into seeing the project to fruition.
The platform guarantees fairness in behavior for all involved parties and eliminates doubts.

Dogezer platform will solve the following problems:

For Founders:
• Raising an Investment is Hard — In the current world, creating and launching a new software product requires the idea author to go through a series of painful investment rounds. That may require a lot of time, effort and sometimes money, which is better be invested in the actual product creation. In many cases investments do not happen, happen at the wrong time or with the wrong amount, or the process is not even started due to all the associated complexities.
• Raised Investment Brings Limitations — In the event of successful investment, the founder essentially trades a share of his company for finances to be spent mostly on engineers, designers, salespeople and other knowledge workers that are crucial for the product success, and agrees to the rules enforced by investors. Regulations imposed and inability to give his team members more than money or dilutive options limits the founder’s opportunities and brings in the challenges of reporting, budgeting, and team motivation.

For Individual Contributors:
• Limited Growth Opportunities — Many individual contributors, such as software engineers, architects or designers, hit a “Glass Ceiling” in their current positions, where future growth opportunities are severely limited. Some of these people take an entrepreneur route, some change techs, companies, or even their profession, in order to raise the bar a bit. Unfortunately, in most cases, limits of growth for salaried persons, the absence of free capital, lack of choice and existing liabilities force them to continue to participate in the Rat Race, or just silently waste time waiting for the next paycheck. The vast amount of talent that is able and willing to create innovative products stay frozen due to lack of opportunity.
• Unfair Reward Distribution — In a start-up team, the ratio of individual person contribution to the project success is unmeasured and the reward is mostly based on the agreements defined for several years in advance (like salary + traditional dilutive options with 4-year vesting and a 1-year cliff). As a result, rewards distribution to individuals is often unfair, unbalanced and is not based on how productive they are.

For Product and Teamwork:
• Conflicts Within the Team — Every product is a result of the hard work done by a product team, and often an unbalanced team causes product delays, issues or failures. Sometimes management finds themselves in a conflict with engineering over the need to urgently add more features, changes in plans, or unnecessary overengineering. Often, conflicts are rooted deep within the structure and the way how individual contributors are rewarded and how much they could affect the future of the product. These conflicts result in slower speed to market, faulty products and damaged relations between team members.
• A Zoo of Tools — Different sets of tools and processes between different projects, often being provided by different services, cause lengthy learning curves, lack of traceability and unnecessary mistakes, limiting team scalability as a result.

The Dogezer ecosystem is made up of the Project Templates, DoFinance, DoIssues, DoIterations, DoMarketplace, DoMessaging, DoGit, DoWiki, DoFiles, DoDocs, DoPlanning.
Project Templates: Project templates is to facilitate quick project creation not neglecting best practices and template documents for a project from the very beginning.
DoFinance: Do finance is aflexible and powerful system to manage financial relations.
DoIssues: Do issues is a comprehensive and flexible issue tracker with support for different development processes and customizable issues boards.
DoIterations: Do iterations is responsible for breaking the project lifecycle into versions, phases, stages and sprints.
DoMarketplace: On the marketplace, users can find projects
DoMessaging: This is a slack inspired messaging system, integrated into all pieces of the solution.
DoGit: an integrated GIT based version control system with web interface.
DoWiki : An integrated Wiki for organizing project documentation.
DoFiles: Project cloud storage space with permissions, revisions, comments and a fully functional file manager.
DoDocs: Documents collaboration tool with revisions, suggestions and comments.
DoPlanning: Tool implementing project planning with the help of Gantt charts.

How does the Dogezer platform work?
It gives an opportunity to start your project almost instantly
To assemble a team
To determine the reward
To bring your startup to a successful development.
Platform potential:
This platform is capable to turn our imagination and for a long time to become a basis of business processes for a large number of people. Having looked at the root of the idea of ​​the Dogezer project, it becomes clear that the team is interested in solving the problem of the scarcity of market relations, and gives the opportunity to develop business in a new, completely different — positive paradigm.

The main advantages of working with the platform:
You organize a successful start-up without investments, since the platform does not require external funding from the founder of the product, thus avoiding financial losses.
Get the opportunity to gather a reliable team of professionals from all over the world.
Dogezer platform also has a set of technical solutions that will ensure that the likelihood of fraud is minimized.

Dogezer PreITO Conditions
Purpose: To get initial market feedback on the ITO campaign
Dates: September 1st 2017, 13:00 UTC — October 1st 2017 00:00 UTC Payments Accepted In: Ethereum (ETH)
Payment Method: Ethereum smart contract address is available at https://dogezer.com. Any other sources of smart contract address are INVALID.
Token: PreDGZ
KYC: For purchases over 10000 USD
Token Cost: 0.002 ETH per 1 PreDGZ token (~65% discount from regular ITO price (1 USD) for DGZ token)

  • Additional discount in a form of 5% refund is available for purchases over 50 ETH. Such refund will be performed within 1 week after purchase.
  • Additional discount in a form of 10% refund is available for purchases over 100 ETH. Such refund will be performed within 1 week after purchase.
    Total Supply: 2,000,000 PreDGZ Tokens
    Token purpose: To be converted to the DGZ Token at ITO using 1 preDGZ = 2 DGZ rate.
  • Note the change in conversion rate to increase discount for preITO versus regular ITO.
  • If Ethereum price would be established at less than 350 USD per 1 ETH at the moment of ITO, preDGZ would be converted to DGZ at the rate 1 preDGZ = 2 DGZ. This guarantees the minimum 65% discount on preITO phase.
  • If Ethereum price would be established at more than 350 USD per 1 ETH at the moment of ITO, preDGZ would be converted to DGZ at the rate 1 preDGZ = (New ETH Price used at ITO / 350)
  • 2 DGZ. This guarantees the minimal discount of 65% on preITO phase.
    Information about purchaser: Dogezer reserves the right to demand any information and documents about the purchaser, which it deems necessary or appropriate to comply with any applicable laws. The purchaser shall provide Dogezer with such information and documents.
    Restrictions: The PreDGZ Tokens are available for purchase in any country except the countries, including its states, territories in or under the laws of the country, where (1) cryptocurrency or blockchain technology are prohibited, or (2) the PreDGZ Token can’t be freely transferable, or (3) the Dogezer platform does not meet the legal requirements of the country.

WEBSITE - https://dogezer.com/
WHITEPAPER - https://dogezer.com/static/files/Dogezer_Whitepaper_14_34.pdf
ANN THREAD - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2100916
TELEGRAM - https://t.me/dogezer

Username Btalk:Celin23
Wallet ETH:0x1060C87081B6221acC9cE11c7e15DA9526456981

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