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7 лет назад

REPUX — Decentralized Data Marketplace Platform

Hello people! Let’s take a look at the platform that provides the opportunity to data producers to create value in their data through facilitating the provision of this data to users in multiple industries, while eliminating the need for intermediaries in this process.

Repux is a marketplace that lets small and medium businesses sell anonymized data to developers.
Businesses sell anonymized data and earn Repux tokens
Developers buy the data to train Machine Learning algorithms
Developers then re-sell their intelligent applications back to enterprises, for better business decision
“ Our vison is to create a protocol which facilitates the monetization of data through efficient transfers between collectors, developers and users that will also allow the evaluation of data reliability and reputation over time. Through our RepuX Protocol, data collectors could transfer data to data users or to application developers in exchange for RepuX Tokens. Developers could build upon the RepuX Protocol, and use data transferred by collectors to generate products and services which could then be transferred to end users in various industries, in exchange for RepuX Tokens.With the RepuX Protocol, we hope to bring additional value to data.”

The problem
Enterprises have terabytes of data stored within their systems and have trouble using this for better business decision making or improved business efficiencies. Developers lack data to develop machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions and most importantly enterprise customers to sell back to. There’s a lot of value trapped within this disconnect.

The solution
RepuX is a protocol level framework upon which various types of corporate and user data can be monetized and exchanged between different parties. Combining multiple cutting edge decentralized technologies such as IPFS, Sia and Ethereum/EOS, along with a possible upgrade to a custom high-throughput block-chain, RepuX allows the creation of a highly decentralized marketplace for data and information.
Repux Technology
An API will enable these marketplaces to be developed by 3rd parties to suit their specific niche. By conducting value and data transfers directly between peers in the protocol, RepuX allows the creation of various B2B (business to business) data sharing possibilities for excess user and corporate aggregate data, that does not exist in the current market. This direct and rapid value transfer through the RepuX token will eliminate the need for middlemen and intermediaries across multiple industries. With machine learning, big data and AI becoming more reliant on large-scale aggregate data, RepuX is well poised to take advantage of this and drive innovation in these respective fields.

Developers would be able to purchase and receive access to company data securely in real time to create decentralised applications. This would be available in a restful api across similar company and data types. They can preview the data, subscribe to it and even choose specific companies or across the industry. Afterwards, their applications, algorithms can then be listed with RepuX and sold back to companies with RepuX Tokens. Data access will have different permissions associated with it and developers/companies can develop a reputation over a period of transactions to safeguard the community.

How Repux worksDVG4SrrX4AEHRkz.jpg
· Businesses sell anonymized data and earn Repux tokens
· Developers buy the data to train Machine Learning algorithms
· Developers then re-sell their intelligent applications back to enterprises, for better business decision

By optionally allocating a reputation behind each entity and each transaction, and verified by an oracle system, we can ensure an integrity within the protocol and allow actors greater confidence in not only the presence but also quality of the data they are purchasing.

Repux is a protocol level framework (the “RepuX Protocol”) on which various types of immutable data can be commoditized and exchanged among different corporate and individual collectors, developers and users. The RepuX Protocol combines multiple decentralized technologies such as InterPlanetary File System (or IPFS)2, Sia3, Ethereum4, EOS5, and offers the potential to upgrade to a custom high-throughput blockchain. By facilitating the transfer of data and value between peers, the RepuX Protocol creates data sharing possibilities among data collectors, application developers and data users which do not exist in the current marketplace.

RepuX Goals and Objectives
“We anticipate that data monetization will become a major source of revenue for individuals and entities in the future. It is estimated that the world will create 180 zettabytes of data (or 180 trillion gigabytes) in 2025, up from less than 10 zettabytes in 2015.”

Goals and Objectives:

  • To develop a high throughput system whereby data can be monetized directly between collectors, developers and users;
  • To build a secure reputation infrastructure within RepuX Token transactions that allows users to apply a semi-permanent record in a mutual transaction;
  • To develop easy-to-use application programming interfaces (or APIs) that enable third-party developers to build upon our RepuX Protocol to create a variety of different applications;
  • To maintain scalability and speed as high priorities during RepuX Protocol design and development; and
  • To integrate the RepuX Protocol with existing blockchain technology while building custom solutions in certain cases.
    In summary, Repux ultimate goal is to build a secure, reliable, high-performance data transfer protocol that can be integrated with a wide variety of different applications developed by third parties for use by a number of different industries.

17th November 2017 / 2pm UTC to 23rd January 2018 / 2pm UTC

Token Sale
will run over a 31-day period starting from the 6th of February 2018 until 9th of March 2018. The rounds will continue until the cap of 33,1 mln USD is hit or the final round expires. During the Token Sale REPUX can be purchased in exchange for ETH, BTC or Wire Transfer, with minimum 100 USD contribution (or equivalent of 100 USD in BTC or ETH). During the Pre-Sale, the minimum contribution is 30,000 USD.

Standar Token: ERC20
Token Supply: 500,000,000 REPUX
Price Token Sale: 0.20 US Dollar for 1 REPUX
Starting date: 6th of February 2018/5pm UTC
Ending date: 9th Mar 2018/5pm UTC
Hard cap: 33,100,000 USD
Soft cap: 1,000,000 USD
Token Sale ends in 9th of March 2018
Payment accept: ETH,BTC,XBT, USD
Supported wallets for the Token Sale include: MyEtherWallet, Mist-Ethereum Wallet, Metamask, Parity, imToken, Ledger, Trezor, and others.

Web: https://repux.io
Whitepaper: https://repux.io/white-paper.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/repu_x
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RepuX-415260768888793/
Telegram: https://t.me/repuxicoEN
Ann Tread BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2613666.new

Username Btalk: Celin23
Link Btalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1382509;
Wallet ETH: 0x1060C87081B6221acC9cE11c7e15DA9526456981

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2017
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