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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Seele - Review campaign

The era of internet and technological advancement is getting more glamorous with the introduction and acceptance of cryptocurrency. Really, a number of industries are seeing the need to adopt crypto and maximize every benefit it can add to them in a way or the other. Not only that, there are a couple of blockchain systems and applications that are continuously opening up boundaries, specifically to a wider area and to offer deeper application development. Seele is "soul" in German which encompasses the human soul and the core of their ideas or actions.
Of a truth, the emergence of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital cryptos has brought about a highly competitive crypto environment. Also, interestingly, every inherent problem in the system is provided adequate and necessary solutions with the development of blockchain technology. Every cryptocurrency is developed to solve a particular problem and the mission of Seele is to attend to the inability to scale for large performance, in ability of businesses to support diverse business scenarios and lastly, the difficulty of exchanging information and sharing assets across the different blockchain networks, which are gaining prominence at the moment.
In other words, Seele has a goal to provide solutions and respond to these problems. Some of these problems are the core issues of the blockchain technology and the network infrastructure and others. The idea is to promote the blockchain technology ecosystem for everyone and ensure a value-added internet that has a wide usage.
Seele features an energy-saving, safe, compatible, efficient and flexible algorithm on a platform to achieve its aim and let businesses have the best share of what they offer. The Neural Consensus Algorithm was created by Seele to transform the problem that revolves around the consensus into an asynchronous request, to process and sort data in a large-scale environment on the basis of “micro-real numbers”.
These are advantageous in the following ways:
• Low energy consumption is ensured
• A safe ecosystem is provided
• A strong linear augmenting ability is guaranteed
Altogether, there is a linear acceleration of the performance which is directly proportional to the increase in the node size for the purpose of satisfying business requirements. Moreover, Seele has a heterogeneous forest network which comprises different subnets and each of these subnets has the capability of handling different service scenarios on their own and at the same time, can interact with each other via cross-chain protocol. This is all but to ensure an extensive service coverage, cross-chain and cross-domain, secure and efficient platform.
Additionally, the Seele tech ecosystem is a versatile and incredibly varied one that entails the academia, institutions (like labs, alliances and associations), enterprise, and developers all across the globe. A number of professionals have come together to introduce this creative innovation into the cryptocurrency world and it is yet another thing that guarantees its longevity in the marketplace, believed to thrive as a result of the detailed level of professionalism incorporated.
As such, with the token economy offered by Seele, community contributions can be encouraged. Besides, the sharing of and creation of an ecosystem is made possible, rather than a mere centralized software platform.
Learn more about Seele:
Whitepaper: https://s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/wp.s3.seele.pro/Seele_tech_whitepaper_EN_v2.0.pdf

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