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С уважением, команда “Голос”
8 лет назад

The revolution of the blockchain plus aliens


How Steemit could revolutionize the way we live with The Steem Power Revolution

As we look back in history we notice 3 industries that have changed our ecosystem and the development of our everyday affairs:

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Let's take Facebook and use it as a prime example for my next wave of thought~

Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004 where initially Harvard students were only allowed memberships, later adding other collegiate programs and going on to reach over 1 billion people worldwide. That's pretty amazing! As long as local and state laws agreed on the proper age requirements, anybody could access the website to start their "social experience". Thanks to websites like Facebook, we now have SteemHub aka the blockchain to help us linkback who we are. Although facebook wasn't the only site to help the blockchain, it did have an enormous impact on the way we live.

According to https://steemit.com/steemit/@gamgam/blockchain-social-media-gathers-support/?=christoryan

September also saw a reported half a million unique monthly visitors using the platform which Steem compared to other social media sites such as Facebook and Reddit when they were in their early days. 16 months after Reddit was founded and acquired by Conde Nast, the company reported 2.1 million unique monthly visitors. Steemit reported 550,000 unique monthly visitors in less than a third of the time. Facebook recorded 1 million users in its first year; whereas Steemit, after five months, has 100,000.


So how on earth does this impact Steemit and how the SteemUser experience lives on?

blockchain technology is moving faster than most of us ever imagined!

So here's the excitement..

When I went in my facebook account earlier to grab my link I noticed this...
Notice the highlighted URL with an ethereum address at the end of it.


What does this mean?

  • Facebook doesn't have near the resources already implemented as Steemit into their website.
  • Blockchain technology is growing at an unbelievable pace.
  • Governments should be shut down soon enough.
  • We should be able to use words as weapons, really making an impact.
  • The power is in the link.

Informative Sources:

Vultures of Culture

Noteable posts mentions

@shinedovemaster @ballinconscious @richardcrill @bullionstackers @blocktrades @charlieschrem



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