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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

The First Machine-Readable Optical Label on the Blockchain-Authoreon

In our online or internet today, Privacy and security breach has been a major concern across the world and everyone has been looking for solutions. It has been a battlefield for decades to data protection. All the provided solutions have not or partially meet the needs and the problem keep advancing. But what a great relieve that has come for Individual, Corporate Organization, Government and Institutions to be free from the menace of fraud, cyber-attacks, material and immaterial identity theft, and counterfeits through a decentralization system of Authorization, Authentication, Verification and Certification developed by Authoreon! Through the blockchain technology, Authoreon has designed a platform that will help us to be free from these ravaging cyber-crimes that have been confronting us across the globe. They are the first in the globe to launch machine-readable Optical Label on the blockchain technology, known as the A-ID.

The A-ID has a scan-able code that generates a protected digital twin for products and identities so that users can verify, authorize, authenticate any identity or product/asset at a very rapid speed, absolutely and protect on the blockchain. The code creator and the reader bet applications are already available on the Google store and Apple store for download.
The platform is built to enable us to have a total self –managed identity without intervenors or central control and a wall-to-wall full record of products via the supply, retail and ownership chain.
Features of Authoreon
There are several components that comprise the Authoreon platform which are blockchain technology, artificial intelligence (AI), cryptography and substituting algorithms offer upmost security, authorization and traceability.
Additional two separate overlay protocol features were built on the blockchain by Authoreon team to enable them to achieve their aims, which include the synapse and the access lock layers.
The Authoreon is built on the Ethereum blockchain technology, a public, open-source, censorship-resistant and creative blockchain protocol and dispersed computing platform, which offers a decentralized Turing-complete virtual machine that supports the implementation of smart contracts. The implementation of the decentralization helps to fight against or reduce the risk of fraud and substantial breaches of security and privacy.
Synapse protocol was developed by the Authoreon team to enhance the functionality, scalability, and performance of the Authoreon platform to support the smart authorization contracts.
The Synapse layer functions as follow:
It helps in storing data safely and effectively and verifying identities against the stored access authorization.
As an intervenor between the blockchain Proof-of-work (PoW) and the access lock layer Proof-of-Stake (PoS)
It helps to generate temporary access for authorized instances.
Keeping of the blockchain light and quick by substituting the stored data - resulting in enhanced performance, faster block processing period,
It has the ability to process more transactions in a single block.
Access Lock Layer
The Access Lock Layer was designed to function as a gatekeeper, processing of the incoming request to the Synapse Layer and allowing short time access when the requesting instance is authorized. This approach will replace the conventional two-factor authentication enabling.
Authoreon Token (AUN)
The Authoreon token is a utility that will be used to access the majority of the functionalities of the platform which include registration for new access, the transferring of asset and other features of the platform.
In August 2017 – December 2017, the Initial Coin Offering was launched and $1.5 million was raised and since then the team has been developing the project. The project Implementation has already gone far and the team are working hard to dish out the complete project implementation.
Authoreon Team

The teams of this project are professionals in the field of their endeavour which are related to the execution of the project. So far, the execution of the project has shown how professional they are. Let support them to make this project a full reality by helping for the promotional approach to make known across the world.
The importance of this project can’t be overemphasized both as individual and corporate organizations. This project will help to fight against internet security and privacy breaches that have ravaging the globe. I am very glad about supporting this great project.

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