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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

how to make money on the coin dog

Happy new year to all !!! if you want to make money on crypto in the next 1-2 months . this chart is for you !!!


Among digital currencies it is possible to allocate only a small number of those that have become quite popular and are used not only as a tool for making money on the Colby course, but also a means plate.

Dogecoin (dogcon, Doge) is a relatively young cryptocurrency, which entered the market in late 2013 (December concrete). In today's time enough dogecoin, C takes the fifth place among the most popular cryptocurrency and about 20-th place in terms of capitalization.

Pros world of this cryptocurrency uses to the West and rarely used at the bar for charity. As primer can result in Jamaica, where the currency collected 50 000$ on the participation of the national team in bobsleigh at the Olympia SIM Games, which were held in 2014.

 What are the different ways exchange

To convert this cryptocurrency will not be difficult. For exchange you can use specializiruetsya bear. Take a look at the ND of them.

Bra https://livecoin.net/?from=Livecoin-zfh6YSx7 – one of the largest resources with the Russian language, where you can enter, display, and exchange cryptocurrencies. For resource use bezel sly is opening an account on the official website of Bi Livecoin. If you need to conduct any operations with dogcon, the postulate of a currency will take place immediately after the first confirmation from the user. After you will be able to choose operations with cryptocurrency dogcon.

https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-DOGE. At this online to be with multi-level security system MO, you can carry out operations with dogecoin with it with a minimum Commission. Currency exchange happens almost instantly and automatically. To use the Borg, anyone can.

You can How to earn Dogecoin

The first thing you need to do is the owner of the wallet in the system Plate. Earn on cryptocurrency mining is very simple. To start earning choose one gender, then you need to download from the website and install on your device the program. Then simply run the program when computer is turned on. Actually, this program automatically absolutely free of charge will collect the cryptocurrency dogecoin.

The most popular way of earning this cryptocurrency, as well as other digital currencies are the so-called crane. The process is the water cache and the subsequent collection dojcinov after a certain time.

Production Advantages

the mining process is absolutely free;


it's easy to hold a meeting via Bi, which has high accuracy;

growing number you know.

Dogecoin wallet-whining

For convenience, you can use bum Dogecoin wallet. Using Dogecoin wallet in just a few seconds, make a payment through the barcode scanner. Dogcon-bum is a reliable option for storing and holding various financial transactions.

App features

fully decentralization of the application without the need for registration;

simple transformation;


getting dogcon or currency transfer by a bar code or the URL of dogcon;

the presence of the address book to do;

it is possible to carry out the operation through Bluetooth;

you can install a widget on your device to control the balance.

The prospects of cryptocurrency DigiCon

Crypt dogecoin at the time, designed as close. It literally primal for a week and Palmer as a symbol chosen by the Doge — the name of the mother saw the soba Chiba-breed. Despite the large capitalization it remained shut.

The main disadvantages of the cryptocurrency is a huge amount of Monk, the constant production of which does not allow the exchange rate to rise, and the full database. Monet essentially repeats the same Bitcoin and not have any of their original "chips".

At the moment there is a small increase in dogecoin (as Altai and others) only due to the fact that the bitcoin network it can't resolve the issue, or commissions and instead deals. Once this problem, everything will collapse in price. Ne growing popularity of DOGE today quick periods and minimal Commission. If small then use this crypt of the amount even prove it online "tea cryptocurrency".

In Buying logicon the edge of the growth, in my opinion the relevant class, price and if poets something quite the nose, but Mint it and collect at the crane did well, some a lot of money can always earn.

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На Golos с November 2017
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