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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


The is currently no record of when plants started being used as a method of treatment, but the holy texts (the bible) does say that the herbs are given to us for our healing. So, although there is no record, the use of plants, clays and soils for healing purpose dates back all the way to the first ever civilization.
The ever first dentistry is said to be dated as far back as 7000 BC in Baluchistan where the first dentists made use of flint-tipped drills and bowstrings in performing dental treatments. The early forms of medical traditions are those of the Babylonians, Chinese, Egyptians (most healthy people who ever walked the earth), and the Indians amongst others. The history of medicines shows how civilization has changed the way medicine practices was made and how treatments were administered. The process of treatments has now become systemized due to the birth of various forms of technology, instead of prescribing some sort of herbal concussion which was the norm in the past, one is given a proper treatment through drug tablets, syrup’s or something else as the case maybe, after going through a proper diagnosis.
Despite the progress in which the medical industry have now come to enjoy in recent times, the industry has also come to experience a vast number of challenges when if compared to the medical practice of the past, one could think that of the past was better.
The following are some of the challenges being faced by health patients and the health industry as a whole:
• incompetent doctors: the current industry looks at educational qualification instead of the fact that these doctors are actually qualified to become doctors. This has led to incompetent doctors being in the industry which has caused more harms to patients than good because these doctors lack the skills to carry out proper diagnosis thereby leading wrong drugs prescription.
• High priced goods and services: except for countries whose government go all the way in supporting its citizens through various health incentives, the price for medications everywhere in the world is very expensive as well as the price for drugs. This is due to the use of various layers of middlemen which increases the price of drugs and private clinics and health centres who are more concerned in making money than in helping the sick.
ATLANTICO is blockchain based medical platform which will be responsible for providing affordable health care services for patients and also connecting patients to efficient and qualified doctors.
The platform will be connecting various health care centres, pharmaceutical manufacturers, pharmacies, doctors, pharmaceutical wholesalers and patients together. The platform will have a voting system which will allow all users of the platform to vote for doctors in the platform in regards to their competency. This way, patients will know doctors who are actually qualified to treat them and do so through the platforms chatting features which posses end to end encryption.
Also, by connecting the platform to the vast number of healthcare platforms, the numerous numbers of middlemen which has long been responsible for the increase in drug prices will be eliminated.
The platform will have its own crypto token known as ATL token. This token will be what is used by the various entities on the platform in the selling of their goods and services in the platform. At the end of every year, the platform buys back the tokens from the various entities thereby giving an extra profit to these entities because the tokens are bought at a higher price than it is worth.
Website: https://www.atlantico-network.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.atlantico-network.io/assets/doc/whitepaper-en.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4720272.new#new
Telegram: https://t.me/AtlantICO_network

Author: Sorento
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1910177

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