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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



Hello everyone, I am very much excited today, with my fingers punching on my keyboard to draw out from my brain the many pictures and words I imagined at the sight of this new opportunity placed in front of the whole world. We all know how cryptocurrency started. Its inception was small and it took a lot of people like you and me to tell the world about the good tidings that came with it. At first it was ignored and called all sort of name, but today even today most of the world power state are investing into it and most of them has made it their backbone to grow their economy.

The ride got even more exciting when other innovative platform began to step up. The introduction of Ethereum platform, the introduction of Blockchain technology, and the likes of it, pulled more people into the cryptocurrency market. And oh the grand news of it all, the introduction of ERC-20 protocol. Its support for Decentralized Applications (Dapps) has attracted a lot of attention. Whose attention?, that of investors and content providers alike. It has a lot of promises wrapped within it, and will give out freely to anyone that builds interest in it.

Lets Have A Little Talk On The Investment Society
In the investment society, two groups exists there. The Investors and the Project developers.
Ahem, let me expatiate;

  • The Project Developers
    These are the group of people that comes up with a brand new idea and wants to shear it with the world. Some of them does this out of pure passion, while the others does it for gain. These developers, develops new tokens and coins, but there are two sides to this. As we well know the world is divided between two forces; good and bad, big or small, perfect and imperfect, there is a thin line differentiating the authentic and inauthentic project. Like i earlier said, some of these projects are forged from pure passion while the other from the depth of lust for monetary gain. But in most cases, the fake tokens are quickly taken into the market, and many unfortunate investors have found themselves swindled by these cunning men.
  • The Investors
    Investors are the group of people that are willing to fund the project of these developers. They put in their money with the mindset of getting it back when the project is know to the world. But the challenge most investors face is the inability to discern a true project from a fake one. It has been a strong force that won't let investors seek out the right projects to invest in.
    With the so many problems being encountered by real project developers and interested investors there was a need for help, a way out was needed, that is the reason for the emergence of the $mart Investment Ecology platform.


The smart investment ecology is a decentralized platform that consist of two features, the $mart Fund and a large number of DAPP project. This ecosystem makes use of votes to boost Dapp projects on the Ethereum Platform.
*What Is The smart Investment smart Fund?
This is a group of smart contracts and token that are based on Ethereum. The smart Fund is built on the ETH reserve and Banco protocol. One good thing about the fund is that it is open but also draws a line between the redemption and purchase in order to improve the growth of the fund.


In the world full of fake and real, most times it is difficult to figure out the real thing from the fake, so many investors has been brutalized from these happenings, they invest into a project hoping to get benefit but instead get swindled, and most of them are yet to recover from these trauma, and have kept their distance, but the smart Investment platform is sure to turn the story around by introducing the smart Fund and a working solution.

To know more about SMARTFUND;
Website: http://1smart.fund/
Telegram: https://t.me/onesmartfund
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fund_smart
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onesmartfund/

Bitcointalk Username: Elmichaels
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1243790
ETH ADDRESS: 0xb18d3b20b96d946dfe2879ebc263e4c57b77dce0

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