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BBC Tokens are the starting point to recognizing the current industry structure discussed before. It not only serves as the reward for reviews, and evaluations of content for the influencers, ordinary users, and professional evaluators, but also acts as the currency to be utilized for direct marketing producers would target consumers and purchase contents. It also performs as the reward for the active users’ personal data sharing in order to improve the quality of curation service in BLUE BAIKAL. If anyone would like to invest in new content, producers, or current content from BLUE BAIKAL, they can use BBC Tokens as well. Furthermore, BBC Tokens can be utilized to support the influencer’s growth in education, ofine meetings, and to provide resources to construct BLUE BAIKAL’s unique entertainment environment of consumption and investment.


Consumers :

Access wide range of contents and receive BBC Tokens to purchase and invest in other contents.

Influences :

Become a trend in Entertainment field. Blue Baikal is always here for you.

Content Providers :

Baikal users are here for you from getting investments to content sales.

BLUE BAIKAL Alpha in Operation :
Blue Baikal Alpha is a Dapp based on the STEEM blockchain and requires a separate STEEM membership.
Earn additional STEEM coins upon receiving BBC tokens as a reward for your reviews and activities from Blue Baikal’s social media.

Movie – TV – Game – Music – Book

Current Issues of Entertainment Industry
The online entertainment content business’s Value Chain consists of three major steps: content design and production, content distribution, and content consumption.

_Each step requires the content producer to be concerned about :
① how to secure investments, ② which platform to distribute, and ③ how to secure and retain users.

n the Current entertainment industry, there is a limit with attracting funds using existing methods. At the same time, content producers also pay high fees from distributing on large platforms, which increases the costs for user acquisition and retention.

1 imitation on fund raising
_- High risk and high return system in the content business industry

  • Small businesses face difficulties with financing projects_
    2 High commission on distribution platform
    _- The dominance of online-based distribution platform
  • Online contents are vested in distribution platform_
    3 Increase of costs for user acquisition and retention
    _- High competition to acquire and retain users in the contents market
  • Gradual increase on marketing cost_
    4 Awareness / Behavioral Change as an Active Content Consumer
    _- Consumer’s role expands as an investor and an advertiser
  • Emergence of Fanvestor_
    5 Increased impact of social media and influencers
    _- Social media as an avenue for user consumption
  • Increased credibility of influencer’s review_

BBC Token - Crypto Currency for Entertainment Prosumer :

BLUE BAIKAL is a blockchain platform that connects entertainment content producers, individual content media influencers, and content consumers to maximize the growth and profts of entertainment business, and provide an ideal ecosystem of fair distribution of the profts. In order for the entertainment business to develop, each stage of value chain (content production, content distribution, and content consumption) requires active engagement of content consumers and a fair reward system for each investor, user, and producer to receive based on their contribution. BBC Token is the online currency, a type of investment for the investors, rewards for the users (consumer) for their data sharing, and investment acquisition and marketing methods for producers (distributors).

Defnition of Blue Baikal Service :
_Blue Baikal is comprised with three services below.
① Social Media Service: Reward type social media based on entertainment :

  • Social Media Service that shares reviews and video clips based on entertainment contents, such as movies, TV shows, games, music, and books._
    _- Creation rewards are provided to influences who upload reviews or video clips. Curation rewards are given to users who recommend high quality reviews or video clips.
  • Marketing support service will be interlocked to allow content producers to utilize influences for their marketing._
    - The Blue Baikal service operator will host various events

_② Digital Content Store: Store Service for entertainment content sales.

  • An online store that provides sales for digital content products, such as movies, TV shows, games, music, and books_
    - Users can purchase and enjoy posted products by using BBC tokens

_③ Crowdfunding Service: Investment service for new entertainment projects

  • Investment service that allows entertainment content producers to promote their projects, suggest reward policies for the investment, and supports Blue Baikal users, allowing them to invest in specifc project._
    _- Proceeds from projects can be gained through the investment of BBC Tokens.
  • Progress of the project will only be approved by the voting of the funding service users._

Blue Baikal’s Solution

BLUE BAIKAL is a blockchain platform that connects entertainment content producers, individual content media (influencers), and content consumers to maximize the growth and profits of the entertainment business, and provides an ideal ecosystem for fair distribution of profits.

Social Media
Reward type social media based on Entertainment
Digital content store
An online store that sells and buys entertainment content
Crowd Funding
Investment platform to support new entertainment projects

Major Function of BBC Token :
_After all services are launched as planned, BBC Tokens will act as below.

① BBC Tokens within Social Media Service :
_- Rewards for the creators who have uploaded entertainment content reviews and video clips.

  • Rewards for recommending uploaded entertainment content reviews and video clips._
    - Direct rewards from the content producer to the user/ target by marketing.

② BBC Tokens within Digital Content Store :
_- Payment method to purchase entertainment content

  • Users can either acquire BBC Tokens from social media activities to purchase con tents in the digital content store, or charge BBC Tokens from the trading post._
    _- The price of the content will be reliant on the market price of BBC Tokens.
  • A content producer can upload his/her content at the digital content store to sell and exchange BBC Tokens with real money at the trading post._

③ BBC Tokens within Crowd Funding Service
_- Investment for entertainment content producers’ projects.

  • Users can purchase votes to support the project within crowd funding service by using BBC Tokens._

④ BBC Tokens as property
- Accumulated profts made through Blue Baikal service will be irregularly distributed to each BBC Token holder. The rewards will be distributed based on shareholding as extra BBC Token rewards and thus, possess its value as the property

Defnition of BBC Token :
Here is how BBC Token will be defned based on the information above.
• Full Name of Token: Blue Baikal Token
• Abbreviation of Token: BBC
• Symbol of Token
• Distribution and Listing: ERC-20 Token
• Total Issues: 100,000,000,000 coins
• Distributed Issues: 50% of Total Issues; 50,000,000,000 coins

The early distribution and listings to the trading post will be based on ERC-20 tokens, following current trends of the market. As the Hyperledger basis platform is constructed, Blue Baikal’s self-produced coins will be exchanged with coin holders one by one. Exchanges can be made through our own wallet system if the coin holder agrees, but we are currently planning on exchanging every token with the coins at the same time if possible.

Token Sale : Distribution and Usage Plan of BBC Token :
The initial issue of BBC Tokens is 2 Billion coins. 50% of the total issues will be sold. 15% will be assigned for marketing rewards for user acquisition and retention of the Blue Baikal service, 15% for partnership companies and advisors, and 20% for acquisition and retention of key manpower.

The revenues made from selling Tokens will be distributed as following; 35% on service development, 30% on marketing for user acquisition, 15% for business development, 15% for operation expenses, and 5% for legal and other consulting services. Unsold tokens will be prevented from use in trades and will be under safe deposit for maximum of 6 months after being listed in the trading post.

Blue Baikal Ecosystem :
Blue Baikal ecosystem supports BBC Token holders in being actively engaged with each area of the content business value chain in order to maximize the profts and revenues of content producer using Blue Baikal. Furthermore, they will share the profts generated from the service with BBC Token holders. Each participant will receive support from, participate in, and contribute to the development of the ecosystem.

BBC Token holder (Content consumer and Content Investor) A BBC Token holder refers to the user of Blue Baikal service who possesses investable Baikal Tokens. Anyone who wants to use Blue Baikal service needs to possess a BBC Token.
Because of this, Blue Baikal provides a small number of BBC Tokens to initial members. BBC Token holders can take following actions.

• How to get Tokens
① Participate in various social media services to get BBC Tokens.
② Possess BBC Tokens to receive extra rewards from growth of Blue Baikal.
• How to use and exchange Tokens
① Purchase BBC Tokes to watch and enjoy the contents.
② Exchange BBC Tokens with the content project token for investment.
③ Purchase the Vote of supporting content project with BBC Tokens.
④ Charge BBC Tokens to purchase content, invest in projects at the trading post, or ex
change BBC Tokens for real money.
Blue Baikal service will develop various ways to gain, use, and exchange tokens to pursue a positive cycle of BBC Tokens and development of its ecosystem.

Individual Media (Influencers) :
Individual Media (Influencers) have to follow the same rules as BBC Token holders in Blue Baikal service. However, the role of influencers in the service is highly signifcant, and Blue Baikal will provide the following services to support influencers in order for them to become successful.

① Provide educational programs to become a successful influencer.
② Provide resources to support influencers, and their creation of high quality reviews and content.
③ Select high quality reviews and content produced by influencers, and promote them.
④ Operate a special BBC Token rewards program based on the influencer’s contributions.

Blue Baikal Technology:
Blue Baikal aims to become an innovative global entertainment content business structure and pursue developing the quality of value chains. In order to do so, we plan to utilize blockchain technology as discussed below:

Signifcance of utilizing blockchain technology:
How do we change the current market of entertainment content through the use of blockchain? Blue Baikal believes that blockchain technology can bring up the following effects, which could act as a turning point to innovate the current entertainment industry ecosystem.
① BBC Token holders (Content Consumers or Content Investors)

  • Rewards can be provided for activities within Blue Baikal.
  • A systemized model is created to evaluate in evaluating potential content project to invest in.
    ② Content producers
  • Ensure the clarity of content distribution progress and results.
  • Ensure the clarity of content investment progress and results.
    ③ Service/Platform
  • Ensure the clarity of service and platform operation

Applied Technology :
Blue Baikal will be operated in hybrid type by using STEEM blockchain for social services and the Hyperledger basis platform for the content store and crowdfunding services in order to practically provide services. It will be transformed into a 100% Hyperledger based unique platform to combine services later on.

① Blockchain Layer:
This layer refers to the basis of the Blue Baikal service - Blockchain. It will begin with a hybrid form, using STEEM Blockchain for social media services and Hyperledger fabric for content store and crowdfunding services. BBC Tokens will be comprised of ERC-20, and oper-ate under Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) that is available from Hyperledger fabric ver. 1.3.

② Platform Layer:
This layer provides multiple functions to connect the blockchain layer and the application layer. It will include combined inquiries of blockchain data and normal data, posting, and purchases to improve the users’ service experiences. Further big data analysis and AI support function will be applied to provide a competitive service.
③ Application Layer
This layer refers to the direct part of application Blue Baikal user will be encountering, where social service, the content store, and crowd-funding service will be provided with other main features of the Blue Baikal service.

Why Blockchain ?

The current roadmap Blue Baikal Foundation is aiming to develop is as follows; we will afliate with content producers to supply contents and develop business plans based on this roadmap. The alpha version of social services is based on STEEM blockchain and Dapp, which will explore the direction of operation for blockchain based global social media.

Blue Baikal is aiming to develop it’s foundation through the following: based on this roadmap, we will affiliate with content producers to supply content and develop business plans.
The alpha version of social service is based on the STEEM blockchain, Dapp, which will explore the direction of operation for blockchain basis global social media.

CEO / Project Owner
Clark Jang

“After graduating KAIST Information & Media MBA, I’ve built up my career by leading smart TV global contents ecosystem strategy and business development in LG electronics. I’ve luckily spent 15 years to learn about the contents, platform, and ecosystem structure to apply different types of marketing and business models by leading several projects. I always throw questions about learning new things such as new business, technology, or new technology based businesses, so I recently resigned from the company to lead the establishment and investment to the technology based beauty IoT. Now, I aim to suggest a new paradigm in the entertainment business by applying blockchain to the contents with my fellow partners.”

CSO / Strategic Business Development
Eric Kim
“I’ve majored AI and big data analysis in the University of Nebraska and experienced various business models from advising federal courts in United States and IT companies to establishing digital content distribution company. I’ve graduated with KAIST Information & Media MBA and spent 13 years in directing global business of gaming industry collaborating with Tencent, Mail.RU, and Bandai Entertainment. This allowed me to understand gaming and IT industry more than anyone else and expects a new platform based on blockchain to suggest a new paradigm in fixed gaming and entertainment business.”

COO / Global Service Business
Sean Choi
“For last 7 years, I have operated multiple online & mobile games to the global market majorly focused on North America from Canada. I I’ve experienced from customer service, project and service management, and up to directing the entire operation to learn about the general process of game service. This helped me to learn about global gaming market, users, and high level of understanding for the game service itself. I realize current issues of game and entertainment business models based on my service experience and pursue a new business model that would change current paradigm with the partners.”

To contact BLUEBAIKAL visit our website:

or write to us via email: info@bluebaikal.com
Whitepaper : https://www.bluebaikal.io/en/files/WhitePaper_v.1.5_eng.pdf
Ann thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5148505.0

I invite you to join this Dedicated # Community HERE, as well as to follow they work on:

✅ Telegram Community: https://t.me/bluebaikal_eng
✅ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Blue_Baikal
✅ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlueBaikalProject/
✅ Steemit: https://steemit.com/@bluebaikal/
✅ Medium : https://medium.com/@bluebaikalproject

Bounty0x username : sadoza
"This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x"

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