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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Cryptorobotics team has visited TerraCrypto forum for miners

On July 25, Moscow hosted the third international cryptocurrency mining forum TerraCrypto. The main topic of the forum was discussion and search for solutions related to the mining industry. Cryptorobotics company was represented by CCO Roman Goryunov.

Cryptorobotics agreed on a partnership with the Coineal exchange which became a significant achievement of the event. Roman discussed investment in Cryptorobotics products with Alex Uglov from Altergate and talked about the development of the crypto-community and marketing in the cryptoindustry with the founder of U-Robot Georgy Galoyan and Guy Janopolsky from Genirium. Roman also met with Currency.com representative Georgy Paliani from Belarus and Binance representative Gleb Kostarev.

The organizer of the forum is one of the most successful Russian miners, Nikita Vassev. The event was attended by over 200 miners from all over Russia, 25 speakers represented their speeches. Romance noted the presentation of speaker Pyotr Kondaurov with the theme
«Mining, how I lost several millions» as the most outstanding performance. The forum participants also shared cases on the use of various firmware in mining and equipment protection at hosting sites.

The hottest panel discussion was the topic “How to deal with what we have mined” by the moderator Georgiy Galoyan. He raised the issue of selling cryptocurrency which also affected the community of traders. The forum participants discussed the development of hosting in Russia and discussed how to make new money out of the old mining equipment.

«This is not exactly our direction we developn in but it was interesting to listen to speakers from the field of mining, participate in panel discussions and build networking with representatives of cryptocurrency exchanges,» says Roman Goryunov.

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