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Dark side and profits of crypto: what can we take from «Game of Thrones» characters.

Control your emotions

**«Fear cuts deeper than swords» — Syrio Forel **

Arya Stark, the youngest daughter of the guardian of the north Ned Stark, overcame a lot of difficulties before becoming Faceless. Thanks to her teacher, she knows what fear is and how important it is to control herself in any circumstances. Her goal to take revenge on her enemies helped her staying cool.

A trader can also be cool as Arya if he has a clear goal. If you want to become a pro, make yourself a trading plan and forget what a vacation is. Arya never relaxes, so she became so cool.

Be objective

«People always demand truth, but rarely do they like it», — Jaime Lannister.

Jaime Lannister is not afraid of the truth and always pays for his mistakes. In order for a trader to make the right decisions, he must learn to accept the truth about himself — recognize his failures and work on mistakes. This is the only way to become a pro. Just do not throw the boys out of the window.

Make decisions yourself

«A lion never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep», — Tywin Lannister.

Under the influence of a general panic traders often make the wrong decisions - they buy at a higher price and sell at a lower, when all they have to do is wait a bit. Tywin Lannister, even despite his fate, was an excellent strategist and businessman. His advice is worth listening.

Fight the stress

«Now go drink until you feel like you did the right thing», — Bronn of the Blackwater

Traders are nervous all the time, regardless of how the transaction went. If there were minimum losses, he could make them even smaller. If profit, he could wait a little longer and get even more. These thoughts do not allow to trade normally on the crypto market.

In these situations traders should listen to the advice of Bronn of the Blackwater - stop reproaching yourself for a decision and take a break. Sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

«Every flight begins with a fall», — Brandon Stark.

All hamsters lose the deposit in the first six months. Some of them give up trading, while others do not give up and fight till the end like Brandon Stark. His flight began with the fall from the tower. Now he cannot walk, but sees the future, the present and the past.

Mistakes are an experience without which it is impossible to reach the goal. If a trader changes his attitude towards mistakes, he will be able to quickly get profit. But the important thing - it is not enough just to make mistakes, you need to learn from your mistakes.

Try something new

**«I don’t know how to ride a dragon», — said Jon Snow.
«No one knows until he tries», — answered Daenerys Targarien **

Traders are blocked by their experience. In each situation they look for matches and act on a pattern. But the market does not stand still, and it is important to move alongside.

Be bold and become the king of the North, and there you are not far from the iron throne.

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