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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Engineering and Industrial design Data Platform

Today I will be elaborating on a very new project, a new platform with huge potential, something extraordinary deemed to change or make reforms in the blockchain.

Blockchain is gaining momentum in today’s world and despite all the benefit of the blockchain, there are shortcomings. The current blockchain network comes with big computational overhead and low finality, network architectures cannot handle billions of interactions that IoT device makes every day, Issues of a low amount of transactions at a time and expensive transfer cost. The current blockchain has been plagued by all these issues and massively requires a reform Hence, ED COIN designed to address all these shortcomings effectively, its solution offers highly scalable features to organize information received on its network.

The ED Platform protects the worldwide price of E-data, allowing users to quickly share and protect their own value and copyright. It combines centralized sound unit and decentralized Dapp to produce a cryptological system which will pursue mutual advantages among users.

Via the ED Platform, direct designers, creators, and users are matched, which can eliminate excessive brokerage fees. When a creator provides a drawing to a platform, a smart contract on the intellectual property of that product is executed. It is safe to form a contract for every dealing and registration, and anyone can check whether the ownership and usage rights of the creations are changed.
E-data may be changed with science keys(tokens) via an information worth authentication system.

The first creator to provide it is recognized by the blockchain and is rewarded for the contribution. Users exercise their voting rights via the coins that they have in this process, and as more users participate in the platform, the data becomes closer to integrity.

The types of E-data are as follows.
– CAD data + industrial design data
– Design data
– Engineering / Design Ideas

In ED Wallet, current EDC and Transaction history can be checked.
ED coin is simply stirred from mobile billfold and internet billfold. ED coin due to token compensation such as voting system, airdrop, and contribution can be easily confirmed in the Transaction history.

For the event of the EDC system, it adopts a procedure to receive coin settlement and a method to simplify the transaction and movement method as much as possible. You can go directly from the wallet to the Platform to examine the contribution standing of the presently logged in account.

In addition, a wallet with a large number of coins keeps a variety of benefits for the contributor, creating a platform where coins are continuously circulated to maintain and expand the participants.
The web wallet permits you to examine dealing details at a look within the Dashboard. If Ed Coin is sold and valued in the future, you can check the profit of the linked account on a chart. Other functions are the same as the Mobile Wallet. Both mobile and internet wallets are stirred on to the ED Platform to simply purchase desired E-data.

The ballot tab permits you to check your votes after you select the ED Platform Community.
As such, ED wallet and ED Platform may be used consistently as a Dapp.
For More Information Visit The Following Links

Website: http://edcoin.kr/en/home_en/

whitepaper: http://edcoin.kr/EDC_WhitePaper_CT_EN_0118.pdf

Bountyhunter Username: Cryptowales

Email: walesodiya@gmail.com

BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355

0.531 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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