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The creative mind has consistently permitted us to conjecture about what others are thinking and feeling, everlasting status likewise inquisitive at the forefront of our thoughts and even to make totally invented lives, and we have since quite a while ago demonstrated anxious to select innovation to its administration. We have utilized craftsmanship, music, books, motion pictures, TV, and now the Internet to push ourselves creatively into the spots and lives of others. Furthermore, the ascent of long-range informal communication has just developed our innovative capacities by permitting us to cast bits of our own lives excruciating, sad, desolate, rich, normal into the tumult, welcoming others into our place as we are welcomed into theirs. Symbols appear to be the intelligent following stage, taking the story creative mind of fiction, the tasteful creative mind of film, and oneself styling intensity of informal organizations, and consolidating them into virtual universes that try to copy certifiable communication.

On the off chance that you're a Cryptocurrency merchant looking for an edge, you may have gotten some answers concerning algorithmic exchanging. In the event that you're a reasonably new merchant, you may have removed the idea as being exorbitantly erratic. Here's the elevating news: You don't ought to be an advanced or even sensibly experienced computerized cash merchant to make algorithmic exchanging systems. Because of the introduction of stunning, yet simple to send bots, beginning brokers approach the focal points offered by an algorithmic procedure.


The Axio is a progressive resource sponsored digital money intended to address any insufficiencies found in

existing digital forms of money, for example, an absence of recognizable natural worth, extraordinary unpredictability, and unsatisfactory quality for

business activities. The Axio isn't just a digital currency, however a part of a patent-pending resource sponsored cryptographic money fiscal framework. Inside this framework, it will give a stable inherent worth, intrigue installments, protection, straightforwardness, secure possession, free ongoing exchanges, universal borderless transferability and convertibility, an assortment of installment strategies, free essential record administrations, and a lawful system. The Axio will be given as a security under U.S. law with all the preferences that suggest. It will give significant insurance from the issues related to different cryptographic forms of money and the heritage banking framework.

Axio as Money

Cash in itself is a theoretical thought that has no incentive outside a money related framework as its working condition. In this manner, any endeavour to make practical cash must incorporate all the significant parts of a money related framework. At the very least, this framework must give intends to looking after records, performing exchanges, and settling debates, just as giving and overhauling credits. While cash gives the way to actualizing such a framework.

The Axio isn't simply an endeavour to make superior money, this task plans to utilize blockchain innovation to outperform the current money related framework. Being a part of a money related framework will permit the Axio to defeat the troubles of market acknowledgement by offering a total minimal effort answer for leading business, and will permit the Axios Foundation to turn into a predominant player in the race to make the up and coming age of cryptographic money.



The Axio is a novel resource supported cryptographic money displayed on resource sponsored security (ABS). A conventional

ABS is a money related security collateralized by resources, for example, credits. While an ABS is connected to a predefined pool of basic resources estimated in fiat money, resources (e.g., obligation instruments, for example, credits) gave by the Axios

The establishment will be designated in Axios. Therefore, in contrast to an ABS, each Axio, similar to security, doesn't need to be connected to a basic resource so as to decide its worth. Furthermore, not at all like an ABS gave for a pool of basic resources, the Foundation will give various Axios for a solitary resource relating to its presumptive worth. The market estimation of the Axio as far as fiat monetary forms will rely upon the arrangement of benefits held by the Foundation and a protections market will decide this incentive by exchanging the Axio versus fiat monetary standards.


The Axios Foundation will issue Axio-designated credits and gather enthusiasm on them. In this manner, the Axio will be upheld by the inherent estimation of borrowers' endeavours to take care of their advances. That is, the Axio will be legitimately

sponsored by the inborn estimation of work that speaks to the genuine worth, as opposed to a side-effect of work, for example, gold. Since borrowers' endeavours to take care of their credits are a steady item, the inherent estimation of the Axio should be steady. Furthermore, not at all like product supported digital currencies that have partial hold esteem, the Axio will be completely upheld by the full confidence and credit of the borrowers.

While the inherent estimation of the Axio may stay stable, its reasonable worth will be set by value revelation on the trade. This may prompt the Axio being unreasonably exaggerated or underestimated comparative with its characteristic esteem (i.e., the complete estimation of benefits short liabilities held by the Foundation separated by the measure of Axios inflow). In such conditions, the Foundation may take restorative activities. On the off chance that the Axio is exaggerated, the Foundation may expand the measure of Axios available for use. For instance, the Foundation may bring down the loan fees, support loaning, or it might lessen Axio saves. Additionally, if the Axio is underestimated, the Foundation may diminish the measure of Axios available for use. For instance, the Foundation may raise the financing costs, reduce loaning, or it might build Axio saves.


The Axios Foundation will work straightforwardly and straightforwardly to profit its individuals. To accomplish this, all the subtleties of its tasks including working costs, exceptional advances, sums on the store, sums in

saves, benefits, and so forth will be distributed in a blockchain to show the monetary status of the Foundation establishment itself will be justly worked by its individuals like an acknowledge association, with every part controlling one vote, empowering them to similarly take part in settling on choices and making arrangements.


Most cryptographic forms of money like Bitcoin, give an openly accessible record of all exchanges that have ever occurred. Along these lines, they have a low degree of protection, yet numerous individuals despite everything endow their budgetary history to an open blockchain. To address this issue, the Axios Foundation won't distribute any data identifying with accounts, and won't sell or offer individuals' very own data without express authorization or something else, as legally necessary. On the off chance that doable, the Foundation will bolster an Axio Cash that will work comparably to different cryptographic forms of money that help unknown exchanges.


● Axio will be a security under the SEC regulations.
● Axio will trade on an SEC-registered alternative trading system.
● Axio will have a stable value.
● Axio will be as easy to use as a credit card or a payment app.
● Low cost of transactions will make Axio advantageous in all business transactions.
● Transactions will be performed in real-time.
● The Axios Foundation is a U.S. corporation.
● The Axios Foundation will pay interest on deposits.
● The Axios Foundation will provide a mechanism for resolving disputes.
● The Axios Foundation will support deposits and withdrawals in local currencies.
● The Axios Foundation will support a variety of payment methods in local currencies.

Official Resources

Website: https://axios.foundation/
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KlFhTMHWWsYii2tM-yBfSZAVCADLDksj/view
Telegram: https://t.me/axios_foundation

AUTHOR: walesodiya
BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355
Wallet Address: 0x2Df783e72D852C27009249e4239C9e794866e855

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