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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



Greetings to you, dear readers.

The advancement for future with high calibre of technology and make agreeable for all supporter and give the best of administrations in platform, to make the best of controlling on decentralized system for making stabling of all condition environment on platform to make also and make this stage has a major network for help and make more association and exchange so make this stage developing in future and afterwards esteem this stage developing in future, fabricating the best of stage with high on administrations and continuing developing for make development with various so this stage make all customer agreeable to utilize and with high on security for controlling all condition and accommodating all association stage to make too so makes this stage quickly developing potential in future.

The first blockchain was conceptualized by an individual (or gathering of people) known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008.

It was propelled the next year in January 2009 by Nakamoto as a centre segment of the digital currency Bitcoin, where it fills in as the open record for all exchanges on the system.

Using a blockchain, Bitcoin turned into the principal advanced cash to take care of the twofold spending issue without requiring a confided in power and has been the motivation for some extra applications.

I accept that in one hundred years, blockchains will be as normal and fundamental as power is today. They will be central bits of the economy which almost everybody will collaborate with consistently. They will be typical to such an extent that we will overlook they exist.


AceWins is an online Crypto and Casino ERC-20 Gambling Token (ACW) that was propelled on 24 November 2018. ACW Token has a default HODL reward framework, information for HODL prizes, autopatch up to 21% every month. The HODL cost is consequently credited to your wallet in the wake of adding each square to the Ethereum Blockchain, which is around 21% every month on the off chance that you permit a cost for this association. It's not simply the word HODL Rewards which is divided to forestall expansion.

AceWins propelled on November 24, 2018, is an online Crypto and Casino ERC-20 Gambling Token (ACW). ACW Tokens have a worked in HODL rewards framework, which pays you HODL rewards, consequently up to 21% every month. The HODL Prize will be attributed consequently to your wallet in the wake of adding each square to the Ethereum Blockchain which adds up to 21% every month (roughly) in the event that you permit awards for the compound. After every year, HODL Rewards get divided to forestall expansion.

Since the token pays you HODL Rewards, starting stock is restricted to 12,500,000 tokens. Parity in consuming imparted addresses to HODL rewards collect a huge complete stock. To maintain a strategic distance from disarray, we made and sent another keen AceWins (ACW) contract with 12.5 million absolute supplies in Nov-01-2019 09:26:29 PM + UTC and disseminated a similar measure of ACW tokens to every ACE holder. Old shrewd agreements (0xbffdd152a9da1eda4afcc550fb1c789019e75334) and ACE Tokens are never again legitimate.

ACW is another token and 0xd29fa4b8cc936a68bb560b19eed969ebfdbaa565 is the new keen agreement address from Nov-01-2019 09:26:29 PM + UTC. 60 Percent of gambling club net gain appropriated to ACW relative holder tokens as profits. The more ACW tokens you hold, the more profits you may get.

You can exchange ACW Tokens on the Saturn Exchange. Snap here to Buy or Sell ACW Tokens on Saturn Exchange. We are at present in converses with a few different trades for the ACW Token rundown.

Another significant side road is the mandatory enrollment required to utilize these trade stages. This doesn't just remove the exchange obscurity benefits from the merchant, numerous stages do require the dealers to give verification of character before supports move administrations can be conceivable. Different occasions, increasingly complex techniques are normally included.

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Website: https://www.acewins.io/index.php

Whitepaper: https://www.acewins.io/WhitePaper.pdf

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5210753

Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/Acewins.io/?_rdc=1&_rdr

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ace_wins

Telegram: https://t.me/AceWinsCasino

Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/JR7KGKU

AUTHOR: walesodiya
BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355
Wallet Address: 0x2Df783e72D852C27009249e4239C9e794866e855

1.539 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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