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5 лет назад



Blockchain has immediately become a trendy expression in day by day discussion, and it's rousing to perceive how far the innovation has become since bitcoin's presentation about 10 years prior. As business visionaries and engineers move to embrace blockchain, its capability to disturb marks far and wide turns out to be progressively self-evident, truth be told, blockchain is developing as an incredible innovative power that vows to change the lottery business' the norm.

There is an absence of straightforwardness in realizing which locales are protected, genuine and dependable. With an expected 1.4 million phony sites being made each month, any fruitful online lottery webpage is in danger of being hacked. So can the blockchain innovation rethink the online lottery industry?

Likewise, in practically all cases, CERLOS items are better in execution thought about than similar items at a similar value point or less expensive than equivalent ones. CERLOS items are made in an earth dependable way. Our exclusive, minimal effort and vitality process changes over wood strands and farming deposits into superior structure items for green structures.

MOXY OID is at a significant point, moving from $ 22.5 million in R&D to a beneficial organization by beginning creation of its market section item, CERLOS Siding/Cladding. Most of assets (60%) will be utilized by MOXY OID to fabricate high-limit fabricating offices in the Pacific Northwest, in North America to satisfy the need for CERLOS items. Lawful, Business Development and Administrative Costs will utilize 10% of the assets gathered. Showcasing and Business Development will utilize 10%. Innovative work will be apportioned 10% of the assets raised while the staying 10% is dispensed to deal with this issue and the expenses related with raising assets.


CERLOS - is an earth well disposed, manageable, superior structure material that is flame resistant, mold, decay and creepy crawly safe. CERLOS was conceived from our craving to take care of four worldwide issues: (1) agrarian/ranger service squander, (2) absence of vitality, (3) risky structure materials, and (4) ecologically cordial materials. Thus, it will improve the personal satisfaction genuinely, monetarily and earth. CERLOS is raising assets through IEO so we can fabricate producing offices for business creation of CERLOS items. We invite speculation openings, vital organizations and guaranteed agents to go along with us.


  1. Patent applications.

  2. Select a site for building up a high limit fabricating office in the Pacific Northwest. The site ought to have rail and street transport get to. The office ought to be 60,000 to 80,000 square feet with an encompassing zone of 10 to 20 sections of land to accommodate materials in and out. At first, we like to rent the property and structures.

  3. Utilizing customary media to advertise CERLOS items to the structure material network.

  4. Use influencer showcasing to bring CERLOS items to the consideration of home and building proprietors.

  5. Present the CERLOS Certified Representatives program with the plan to make a solid local and national salesforce that is prepared to utilize and advance CERLOS items.

The Problem Identified



An expected $23 billion in property harm happened in the United States alone because of fire in 2017, this number incorporates a $10 billion misfortune in fierce blazes in Northern California. These flames brought about 3,400 non military personnel fire fatalities, 14,670 regular citizen fire wounds. There was a regular citizen fire demise like clockwork and 34 minutes and a non military personnel fire injury like clockwork in 2017. A fire happens in a structure at the pace of one at regular intervals, and a home fire happens at regular intervals.


Termites and rodents crush most normal structure materials from auxiliary shafts to siding/cladding. U.S. yearly vermin control costs are drawing closer $10 billion every year, while worldwide the figure is far higher. Notwithstanding the billion in costs endeavoring to forestall creepy crawly harm, the security frequently depends on dangerous synthetic concoctions that jeopardize youngsters, different creatures and at last, humankind.


Wood and drywall can trap dampness and feed shape or mold in our homes. Before a development group finishes a home, the wood regularly gets presented to mugginess, downpour, freeze/defrost, sun, and even day off. In the long run shape harm can enter a home to the degree that dividers and auxiliary parts must be detached and supplanted. Youngsters and more seasoned grown-ups are particularly helpless to respiratory sicknesses from shape presentation.


Notwithstanding the passing and demolition, accessible materials are harming the earth. Numerous normally utilized structure materials contain poisons like cyanide while others contain silicas, realized malignant growth causing operators. Various other structure materials toward a mind-blowing finish cycle are viewed as risky waste. Joined with the way that these materials add to gigantic deforestation, we are making progressively unusable waste while draining assets.


A NEW STANDARD FOR BUILDING MATERIALS : After more than 18 years and US$20 million spent on Research and Development, we have built up a spic and span building material that tends to numerous issues related with ebb and flow building materials. CERLOS unravels the accompanying issues:

Maintainability : Unlike other structure materials, CERLOS is made utilizing 100% economical techniques and can be 100% reused after use to make fresh out of the box new CERLOS.

Sturdiness : CERLOS items are fireproof, creepy crawly/winged animal/rat safe, spoil and form safe, water and all-climate stable (won't therapist or swell), or rot or be affected from ecological perils.

ECO-FRIENDLY : Our essential fixing is lignocellulosic fiber. Lignocellulosic fiber is fundamentally the cells of for all intents and purposes every single living plant, so the fiber can emerge out of straw, cornstalks, or from some other rural or ranger service squander.

For what reason would we say we are holding a token deal?

We have working models. CERLOS works. High volume producing process has been approved. Presently we have to tell the world! The Token Sale will permit us to scale the CERLOS vision, through covering essential assembling and advertising costs expected to satisfy orders.

Unsold tokens will be held by the Company as treasury tokens. Much the same as treasury shares they are excluded from the appropriation of profits or the count of income per token. The Company, through a board goals, may choose to offer them again for subsidizing sometime not too far off.

Who will fit the bill to contribute?

Qualified speculators must experience a KYC procedure. Financial specialists from the accompanying nations are not permitted to take an interest: Malaysia, USA, Canada, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Congo, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Ukraine, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Belarus, Cuba.

Website: https://cerlos.io/
ANN Subject: http: // xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /
Telegram: https://t.me/moxy_cerlos
Technical document: https: // cerlos.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Cerlos_Whitepaper_v3.pdf
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/moxyoid/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Moxy_CERLOS
Facebook: https: // www. facebook.com/MoxyMakesCerlos/
Instagram: https://linkedin.com/company/moxyoid/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-aWkf565-blgwQOo8AnhzQ

AUTHOR: walesodiya
BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355
Wallet Address: 0x2Df783e72D852C27009249e4239C9e794866e855

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